just got a macbook and have logic x and garageband, but having a hard time trying to make a beat. anybody know who makes good tutorials for making a beat from scratch, i have zero experience with making music. would it be better to go back to fl studio since i have find a ton of tutorials or stick it out with logic x and learn it.
Check out "Jobey Job" on youtube, he has full Logic beat making videos. He makes every thing from scratch and takes you thru the process from beginning to end. He makes the current sound, so that should be helpful for you. He is very easy to follow, and explains as he goes along.
Here are a few of his videos, check out his page for more:
Apart from Beat Making Videos, he has full on tutorials that will help you. All of his videos are over an hour long tho, but trust me if you have the time for it, and the patience, you will learn a lot from him.