Poetical Poltergeist
Precise and cold hearted
You got Basterds as his best?It actually might be close to last for me and that’s in no way saying it’s wack, but it’s definitely not one of my favorites from him. I’ve only seen it once so maybe it will age better on a second viewing but I got it above death proof but behind hateful eight.
Inglorious basterds
Pulp fiction
Kill Bill Vol 1
Django Unchained
Reservoir Dogs
Jackie Brown
Kill Bill Vol 2
Hateful Eight
Once upon
Death proof
There are moments in the movie I love but for the most part it didn’t move me like anything I have ahead of it. I get what it’s saying and what it’s doing and why it has the pace it has but yeah it’s just something I like rather than love. Death proof is the only film he’s done I can say I don’t like overall.
I would say
Reservoir Dogs
Kill Bill vol 1
Vol 2
Once upon
Death proof
Watched once upon a time again and I think i enjoyed it more the first time.