them and NordVPN gotta be drug money launderingall I know is raid: shadow legends gotta have a billion dollar advertising budget

them and NordVPN gotta be drug money launderingall I know is raid: shadow legends gotta have a billion dollar advertising budget
youtube is pretty much tv now and the companies know that
with that being said I do think it's hilarious when YouTubers are selling shirts and shyt like damn anyone can really be their own brand now
go back 30 years they would be in best buy or something. now they're making a living doing dumb shyt
The accuracy"wwwwwwwwwwhats up everybody its...."
Everytime i use YouTube on a new device or browser its always the same people on the front page.Man, there used to be a time the YouTube frontpage had 'recently added' where you could see the most random shyt that was uploaded the second you got on the site. At that time you could really discover some amazing things. There were no ads so anybody making content was in it for the love.
Also the option to make a video reply made for some prime fukkery.
I miss those days
When YouTube became a job it was all over. These days most of the people in the same space can't even differentiate their videos. They all come out at the same time for some embargoed product and the YouTuber says the stock company talking points. They can't say too much or they'll damage their relationship with what ever brand gives them their free products they say they weren't paid to review yet get to keep.Youtube lost its soul once ppl started making really money off of being monetized.
remember when theaters didn't have ads
only "Ad" was the concession stand jingle