Look Ladies and i'm going to speak the truth.. Black men have NO HATE what so ever against black women.. black men have a HATE FOR WHAT BLACK WOMEN WANT BLACK MEN TO BE IN THERE EYES..
anything a black man does he get ridicule for. and i mean the good brothers who are working 24/7, 2 jobs, paying rent, paying car notes and trying to live his life with no argument or drama in his life.. for example
1. A black man don't have kids.. what he get label in many sistas eyes ?? he either gay, damage or he must like white women
2. a black man got a nice car and he's not a doctor, lawyer, athlete, rapper and he get label a drug dealer.. why i can't be just smart about handling money?? wait let me guess that's a white man thing be responsible with money
3. a black man travel out the country.. why u leaving the country to find one of them dominican hookers or africa women who obey they man... why can't a black man just go out the country and enjoy life and learn other cultures? wait only white men do that.
All in All the beef between black men and women is really beef about WHAT EACH OTHER WANT THE OTHER TO BE...
However Black women really need to know there role as being a woman and let the man be a man..But so many sistas deal with crackheads, broke, no car having brothers when she come across a brother who's do something with his life she still feel like she's the man