8 of those hours you're sleeping tho It's possible, eat between 10a-5p......and eat your biggest meal last don't forget you can drink 0 calorie beverages so you can kinda trick yourself into thinking you consuming calories. And you can say fukk IF and eat however you like one day a week.*Souljah Boy*17 hours!?!?!?
I've been working out consistently for 10 years now. I'm pretty much used to a routine of eating small meals or healthy snacks every 4 or 5 hours for a total of 4 or 5 meals. a day
But I'm not going to argue with a pro. If it works for you and your clients, kudos. I'm too far gone on the old school regiment.
I'm an ecto so keeping or gaining weight is a challenge to start with.
But naw man, if what you're doing is working already then stick to it. Not everyone I work with does IF.
I just really believe fasting helps with longevity and living longer, healthier lives. You save a lot of time not thinking about eating for 16/17 hours a day too.