I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
and this is why I think people tend to not enjoy movies most of the time, they go in with preconcieved notions and are looking for the things the reviewer said were bad, and not as impressed with the good things cuz they knew they were coming...Yeah I'm with you. But on the other hand, there's something to be said about going into a movie blind and just letting it happen. I think there's a medium to be found with it and I may be too far on the other end of it but I'm cool with that. Little Giants has a terrible RT score but if it's on, I'm going to watch it
I dont even listen to peoples impressions anymore
But I use IMDB to help me choose netflix movies, only look at the score and read the first few lines of user reviews. like if its a 6 or better I will watch it.. I also go to them or here after I watch to see if people had the same questions or complaints I had
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