Don't own credit cards brehs you NEVER win with them. I own none anymore and don't plan on it, my girl has one which we owe nothing on has like a $5,000 limit and we only keep it in case of emergency.
You can win with credit cards. Credit cards are a tool and if you're responsible and pay your bills on time you get free money back for using them.
Credit cards offer:
Purchase history lookup
Ability to purchase online
Amex gives sync deals like coupons off at retailers ($25 off at Best Buy was one I used)
Cashback rewards
doubles manufacture warranties
Discover offers purchase protection where if you buy something and it goes on sale in so many days they credit you the difference.
If you buy something on day one of your billing cycle and keep current on your balance you can own it for 2 extra months with no payment on it as long as you pay it off on the due date.
Thing is the moment you get a finance charge you lose. If you're responsible its free money for stuff you'll buy anyway. 6% back on my rent annually is over $300 for something I have to pay anyway. Why not take that money back?
there is not much i can tell you or others breh , but the negatives out weight the positives when it comes to borrowed money , borrowed money is why our economy has tanked , does that apply to 100% of ppl no , but the majority yes
You could use the card to purchase something and pay it off instantly with an online payment. you don't have to borrow money to use a credit card. the borrowing part is optional. one could have a policy of if i can't pay the purchase off instantly I don't make the purchase.