night owl
Try having constipation and stitches in your vagina at the same time. I pooped out a baseball size poop and instantly felt blood.
I should thank God everyday for that Y chromosome
Try having constipation and stitches in your vagina at the same time. I pooped out a baseball size poop and instantly felt blood.
The very thing that caused the constipation is the very thing that saved me from the pain. IbuprofenYou poor thing
Diarrhea farts pack a ton of heat and are high risk for slippage, carefulWhy oh why did I eat those spicy pork rinds an hour ago????
I got 3 and a half hrs til I clock out. Think I'll try to hold it in or carefully let out small farts in 10 minute increments
Yeah, I was about to let a small one out, but it didnt feel right.Diarrhea farts pack a ton of heat and are high risk for slippage, careful
Yeah, I was about to let a small one out, but it didnt feel right.
I hate these bathrooms at work. Fools is nasty 'round here.
I got just under 3 hrs left
Diarrhea is worse. Constipation is easily fixed.
Pretty sure I already said this in this thread but constipation is easily solved with a suppository. Nothing cures diarrhea but time.Nah constipation is worse, it actually hurts.
Diarrhea, just work from home with your laptop on your lap