Religion/Spirituality what's with all the atheists on the coli?


All Star
May 28, 2012
i've gone over this 100 times. there's no way to really know how old something is beyond what we can tell when the first man was here. anything beyond that is pure speculation. sure its based on some science. but even that is a guess.

This is utter bullshyt. I hope you don't have kids to teach them this rubbish. You are an intellectual midget, and no one should take anything you say seriously.

Here's an example I'll leave for the more rationally minded posters: It takes Pluto like 247 years to complete a revolution around the Sun, but we've only known about Pluto's existence for about 80 years. rapbeats would say its impossible to know this fact since no human has actually observed Pluto make a full revolution. It's faith, he would claim. Well, no actually, it's math. Just like you could calculate how long it would take you to travel between two cities if driving at a constant rate, it's possible to use math to determine the length of a Plutonian year.

It's the same with carbon/radiometric dating. And even if we can't calculate the exact age of the Earth, our estimates aren't wild speculation. It's based on confirmed, reliable methods, that produce consistently accurate results. If it's pure speculation, it's not science.
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Jun 8, 2012
This is utter bullshyt. I hope you don't have kids to teach them this rubbish. You are an intellectual midget, and no one should take anything you say seriously.

Here's an example I'll leave for the more rationally minded posters: It takes Pluto like 247 years to complete a revolution around the Sun, but we've only known about Pluto's existence for about 80 years. rapbeats would say its impossible to know this fact since no human has actually observed Pluto make a full revolution. It's faith, he would claim. Well, no actually, it's math. Just like you could calculate how long it would take you to travel between two cities if driving at a constant rate, it's possible to use math to determine the length of a Plutonian year.

It's the same with carbon/radiometric dating. And even if we can't calculate the exact age of the Earth, our estimates aren't wild speculation. It's based on confirmed, reliable methods, that produce consistently accurate results. If it's pure speculation, it's not science.
uh no, actually its faith that makes up MATH.

just because you believe everything math has taught you and non of the bible doesnt make you the authority on faith.

do you understand what math is when applying it to things we could not have visually seen with our human eye. since we were not on the planet at that time. so we dont have anything to go on. but a hunch, a good guestimation.

its patterns.

i've explained this to yall before. and you act like its not true. you have yet to prove me wrong here.

you can run all over "religion" and try your best to run over the bible. but you cant tell me the math they use to date things is NOT based on PATTERNS. it IS.

simply put.

if i have been here for 5 years, and no one has been here before me. so i observed the goings on for those 5 years. if i have noticed that say pluto has gone around the sun 1 whole time in 5 years. i will ASSUME based on what i can seee and know as of today. that it takes pluto 5 years to get around the sun 1 whole time. my theory is proven to be accurate when someone else comes along 20 years later and goes back to where i started and does the same research and he/she sees this to remain true for the past 20 years. thats 4 instances of pluto going around the sun, each time taking approx 5 years. so we go ahead and put that in the books. "its official, it takes pluto 1 year to go around the sun." now TRUE science not the RELIGION of science some of you live by. but true science says, Thats the official number...until or unless we find out that number has changed in the future.

everything you know that is based on science and math equations ends in a question mark. ends in a "maybe" or a "perhaps"

this is this....perhaps. this is this...maybe... this is that most likely until we find out it isnt.

if you realized how patters work you would realize there's no way of knowing for 100% sure if the patterns will remain the same forever. all you know is what you know and can see with your own eyes. you dont know if you lived for another 5000 years that the patter would go from it taking 1 year to it taking 2 years, then back to 1.

there's no way of you knowing that the pattern could change like such.

the first 1000 years of pluto gets around the sun once every 5 years. then after that thousandth year it slows down and it starts taking 2 years to get around the same sun. that doesnt mean what you said before was incorrect. it just means the equation is never truly complete or finishes since the universe we live in is never FINISHED growing, expanding, contracting, etc.

so when you look at things that go back further then the human race. we are just guessing.

we are saying well, these type of rocks and these tree rings tells u from the time human's have observed time using those things. is that it takes x amt of years for these things to occur in the tree rings and rocks in the ground. therefore, if use a multiplier.we can assume the older rocks, trees we see are x years old. therefore the earth is x years old.

the reality is, we dont know if things took longer to get from point a to point b back then. we have to ASSUME all things remained constant as we know them today. there's no way we can know if that were the case. we have to have FAITH that this is the case.

do you know why people need to have FAITH in numbers/science?

its the same reason you guys say people need faith in God.

we(humans) need a sense of structure. we need a sense of "okay whats constant". we need to know whats consistent. we need to know, if i wake up tomorrow the sun will shine or it will rain or it will be cold. we need to know that. if we didnt know these things we would lose our minds. the same thing is the reason we desire God. and i'm talking outside of the spiritual aspects for you non believers. we need to BELIEVE in a Constant . it gets no more constant then GOD a creator. especially in the christian bible that says he was the same, is the same and will be the same.

that constant then turns into morality. we need those guidelines. the same formulas that keeps math in check. that keeps us from losing our minds not knowing whats going to happen next. is the same reason we need a moral code. and who better to provide such a constant code but mr Constant himself..GOD..the creator.

again, you dont have to believe. but dont play like you dont understand what i'm talking about just because you dont believe. see notice something. i understand why you DONT believe. even though i do. but for some odd reason it tears you all up inside that i believe even though you dont. you cant UNDERSTAND WHY i would believe such a thing. that tells me the truth is, you do understand why. but you dont want to go there because that will expose whats really going on with you and your belief.

i have a theory that says there are no such things as atheist. not in the true form. i think at some point in time every single human on earth believes in a creator. now what they do after that thought is in there minds is on them. some fight it. some accept it.
you're the type of person fighting it. sure you will say the only reason you're fighting it is because it effects the govvvy's decision making, rules and regs, etc. and that may be true. but you cant be naive enough to believe without religion everything would be kumbaya status. i mean if you know man, you should know that wont happen. but yet you will hide behind that being your reason to have such a disdain for people believing. do you have the same disdain for little kids believing in their little imaginary friends early on in life? the answer is of course you dont. its not that the belief in God bothers govvy rules and regs. its that it bothers your own personal morality. if you believe its true. then you have to subscribe to the same code of conduct as everyone else. and you may not want to do that all the time, every day, every night. sure you may be a "good person" so to speak. but every day you may not want to be this GOOD GUY. and you dont want the burden of not being one to be on your shoulders. nor do you want the burden of having to preach the gospel and spread it to others.


All Star
May 28, 2012
rapbeats, I can't believe you wrote so much but said so little. What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I've ever read. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response, were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this forum is now dumber for having read it. I'll respond to none of your "points", and may god have mercy on your soul. :troll:


May 21, 2012
:dead: @ Faith making up math.
Breh you ever played a videogame ?
You ever just messed around with the physics ?
What do you think those physics are based on ?
I'll give you a hint :
His first name is Isaac.
Mathematics is a language used to explain factual
happenings in the world and it isn't a faith based belief
A lot of the things you currently use were likely modeled using
They did the same thing with the atom bomb.
They worked out the math, before they moved
onto splitting atoms.

I'll put it this way, if there is a god, he likely "speaks math"
I can relate to this notion. I didn't take higher levels of physics until I went to NC State, and by that point I had already learned the arguments for/against a deity and abandoned religion.

But I def. thought that if there is a god, it's gotta be within the laws of nature.... I don't even know if that makes sense
I think it makes sense, if there were to be a "God" I think he/she would have a firm
understanding of the rules that govern the reality that he/she created.
And those rules would likely be explained through complex mathematical equations that still evade
the most brilliant mathematicians and physicists on the planet.

I think guys like Michio Kaku,Steven Hawking, and Neil Degrasse Tyson got it right :

Steven Hawking said:
If we do discover a complete theory, it should in time be understandable in broad principle by everyone, not just a few scientists. Then we shall all, philosophers, scientists, and just ordinary people, be able to take part in the discussion of the question of why it is that we and the universe exist. If we find the answer to that, it would be the ultimate triumph of human reason — for then we would know the mind of God.

Neil Degrasse Tyson said:
Math is the language of the universe. So the more equations you know, the more you can converse with the cosmos.

A lot of people who try to shyt on a Mathematics and the Sciences
don't realize that math is used literally everyday,
*Note I'm not saying that math is evidence for a god or that math confirms there is
a god for anyone who takes this post wrong.
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All Star
May 28, 2012
I'll put it this way, if there is a god, he likely "speaks math"

I can relate to this notion. I didn't take higher levels of physics until I went to NC State, and by that point I had already learned the arguments for/against a deity and abandoned religion.

But I def. thought that if there is a god, it's gotta be within the laws of nature.... I don't even know if that makes sense


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
This doesn't make any sense.

You guessing shyt doesn't even mean anything. You're not saying ANYTHING of value. So yes, actually investigating what you're saying and denying it DOES MORE to the conversation than you sitting on your ass tossing random shyt out.

Non-religious theists aren't a thing.

Thats the EPITOME of a religious statement.

You haven't demonstrated that you are interested in doing such a thing.

All you've done is defend your pointless "guesswork"

I don't say that no higher power exists. I can't prove that. However, of the claims asserted, I don't find the proof to be substantial and it does not meet the burden of proof.
Where did I say that my guessing has value? Ill wait.

Nonreligious theists is a category. Your denial doesn't affect its existence.

Non religious theists is just a label. No more no less.

When I am ready to demonstrate I shall demonstrate.

Oh it's not you I am addressing with that statement. Its just an example of who I myself address.


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
I can relate to this notion. I didn't take higher levels of physics until I went to NC State, and by that point I had already learned the arguments for/against a deity and abandoned religion.

But I def. thought that if there is a god, it's gotta be within the laws of nature.... I don't even know if that makes sense
That's what my guess is all about. I believe that there is a god within the laws of nature.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Where did I say that my guessing has value? Ill wait.

Nonreligious theists is a category. Your denial doesn't affect its existence.

Non religious theists is just a label. No more no less.

When I am ready to demonstrate I shall demonstrate.

Oh it's not you I am addressing with that statement. Its just an example of who I myself address.


You keep wanting to say this.

it isn't true.

Being "less" religious doesn't mean you're not.

That's what my guess is all about. I believe that there is a god within the laws of nature.

That means theres nothing supernatural, dumbass.


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013

You keep wanting to say this.

it isn't true.

Being "less" religious doesn't mean you're not.

That means theres nothing supernatural, dumbass.
Having a trait shared by the religious doesn't mean that you religious.

I already explained this with a male having a trait shared with a female but not making him a female.

I know what it means and as I've told you before nothing in my belief is supernatural.

You yourself have yet to show anything in my belief that is supernatural.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Having a trait shared by the religious doesn't mean that you religious.

I already explained this with a male having a trait shared with a female but not making him a female.

... :mindblown:

:snoop: :pachaha:

I know what it means and as I've told you before nothing in my belief is supernatural.

You yourself have yet to show anything in my belief that is supernatural.

If your god isn't supernatural, then what is it? Nature? :heh: