I never used the word proof. Its a guess nothing more.
So don't get pissy when I toss your guess out the fukking window. Where it belongs.
Stop equating your speculation with substantiated conclusions.
If we can come about through natural means then that means that other intelligent life forms can come about through those same means.
Non believing is one thing but you stepped into anti-theism which isn't just that.
I'm an anti-theist in the sense that I'm open to new information, but as of right now, theres nothing.
...beneficial from being remotely religious.
I will defend your right to be a fukking idiot though. I wouldn't want to live in a place where being stupid is illegal.
My guess isn't baseless is what I'm saying.
Its entirely baseless. You're just not used to having someone who doesn't compromise with you.
Its at least based on observation of empirical things like us coming into existence and creating ourselves.
This sentence makes no sense.
So what's so bad about guessing?
You're not just guessing. You're going further than guessing and trotting your guesses out as proof of something.
Just admit you have no fukking clue and keep it moving. Stop trying to get people to accept your "guesses" as substantiated conclusions.
Thoughoit out this whole back and forth you shown hate toward guessing but I want to know why making a guess is so bad.
You're a terrible writer. You keep repeating yourself.
Guessing is bad because it doesn't lead anywhere.
At some point you need to put what you're guessing up for inspection to see if its actually true.
Guessing doesn't get you any closer to learning anything or confirming the validity or legitimacy of anything.
Especially when my guess is nothing more than an opinion and not anything that would hinder my search for the truth.
This is the problem.
Your guess is not the same as an opinion.
An opinion is such that you're taking your stance to be a legitimate view on something.
A guess is an untested and unproven assertion.
You keep trying to pass your GUESSES off as FACT.
Stop doing that.
So other intelligent life forms out there if they exist can't create like we did?
What does that have to do with "god?"
We discovered a way to create that's natural why can't other species out there be able to as well.
There is no supernatural there whatsoever.
Your guesses on alien life have nothing to do with your views on a deity.
I provide answers for questions that I have answers to.
If I don't have answer then I would leave it as I don't know or guess.
Read what you just wrote above, then read this.
Guessing isn't as bad as you think you know since guessing is as natural as breathing and if it doesn't step on the toes of science it isn't negative in anyway.
Guessing isn't bad. Except it doesn't show anything or get you anywhere.
Guessing is pointless if you're trying to learn something.