What's the point of being a black militant?


May 17, 2012
the internet
Another issue w/ the whole "c00n" thing.

Jews and to a lesser extent Asians have laid down the blue print on how to come up as a minority.
Hard work, education (formal schooling or self taught), and assimilation into mainstream society took them far.

Yes, they have their own communities...but they also dont have to worry about being called a sell out by their own people when they break bread & live amongst W.A.S.P...they understand what it is to play the game. Negroes are too concerned w/ keeping it real.
Bill Cosby gets lambasted for speaking the real...and now you have these fake revolutionaries saying things like speaking proper English is "perfecting Massa's language".

Like someone said before...there are no real revolutionaries now...just people who talk a lot of shyt. The people of the civil rights era, and the Panthers after them actually looked out for their folks. The civil rights generation took education serious and knew what the come up was about....they knew what real discrimination was about, and had to be strong to get past it.
A lot of those middle class neighborhoods they built are being fukked up by our own right now, and its sad.

They only real way to bring the black man up is by bringing yourself up...its a slow process, but it starts with how you live your life.
You cant save the world, but you can save yours.