What's the Max Length of Time You're Staying in a Relationship without a Proposal?


May 29, 2014
My friend and I started discussing this after seeing one of the opening scenes in a movie where a woman was complaining that her boyfriend hadn't proposed yet. I think 3 years is my max. After that I'm dipping. My friend said 1.5 years was her absolute max. :huhldup: What's yours?
1 yr


May 1, 2012
i dont really have a time limit i just feel if my head, heart and gut are in sync enough and i truly love u and u treat me good and i feel that ur the real deal and want to spend the rest of my life with you

i'll just ask you too marry me

how short or how long dont even matter from what i seen

i knew people who did it within a year didnt last 2 years married
i knew people who were together 4-5 years and didnt even last a year in marriage

i think what made me feel that way was when i went to my first duty station in japan.
i had went home for christmas i had a girl that i was dating so i told her going home for christmas to see my family been a year since i seen them and i was on that flight and this old couple i met were talking to me cuz the husband hated flying for so many years but was doing it for his wife for a trip

and i asked them how long they were married he said 55 years was like :salute:
how long did u know each other before u got married he said 2 weeks i was like :damn:

and i was like why would u do it that soon u dont even know someone that soon

and he said this too me
the heart wants what it wants. u have to take a chance in life not live that what if. u can know somebody for so long and still get married later and get divorce quick or know them soon and get divorce quick it doesnt matter.

what i do know is in life u can have many girls u sleep with girls u like but to love i mean really love wont happen that often some once some maybe 2 or 3 times but that love where she makes u truly happy and makes u wanna be a better person not change u that love and trust u the love where u know she will always be there for u in ur worse of times and not leave ur side the love u know u wont find anywhere else that right there is when u should consider her marriage material and take a leap of faith