ITT: men bytch and moan about having the traditional provider role
while still wanting the wife to have the traditional cook,clean, servitude role....
Nobody is bytching about the traditional provider role. A man making $50K can be an excellent provider. But, a lot of delusional women think they deserve a man making $80K and above. That only such a man makes for a good mate and can be a good provider. That only such a man can give them the life they deserve!
We're simply saying the stats don't support those wishes on the part of women. Vast majority of American households aren't even making $80K, let alone individual earners. It's even more grim for Black households. The number of Black men and women making more than $80K as individual earners, outside the major population centers, is a very small number!
In other words, there just aren't enough of the $80k+ nikkas to go around. Plus, those nikkas realize what these chicks covet, so they dangle it before them like a carrot and smash and toss as many of them into the bushes as they can until they're ready to settle down.
It's more sensible for woman to settle down with a man making $50K who WANTS to get married, combine incomes, and build long-term wealth.
That's not what these delusional chicks want to hear. They want to believe there are hordes of $80-100K+ nikkas just roaming the streets waiting to wife them up. The numbers just don't back up that assertion.