Is Christianity helping them today?
Bruh ignorant. Leave him be.
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Is Christianity helping them today?
Eshu is created, the spirit created by Olofin in heaven, he who is born in heaven. Olofin gave Eshu “three main” keys:
1 - The key of the underworld.
2 – The key of the ancestors.
3 – The key for us to come back to Heaven.
And another that he has to open up the other dimensions and portals between Heaven and Earth.
Eshu is a very strong entity that Olofin was sent with Ogun to Earth to make a way for us to live here on.
Ogun would clear the path, and Eshu would open the path for us to live on this Earth.
Eshu is an entity that was created to give us an incentive to live on earth.
Eshu brought the languages, various tribes and races etc with him. All the diversity both within and outside of Nature. All the different ways of worship and methods of doing different things spiritually and secularly; the good and bad. We use our freewill to choose what path to take. God sent him to test us. But all of this is the great mysteries of Eshu. The holder of all keys to open all doors both spiritual and physical.
Eshu receives all the ebos. There are 21 Eshus that go into 121 when coming down to earth. There are many Eshus. Eshu is an old man with a young man’s heart. The Babalawos are the only ones who can make Eshu or conjure him to a stone [one of the original Eshu Yangi, growing stone]. No others can make Eshu. Eshu cannot be crowned on your head he is so immense.
Now on to Ellegua [Elegba]…
Ellegua is Eshu when he incarnates within the realms of Aye (Earth).
Ellegua is the Orisha that god also sent down from Heaven to aid Eshu. Eshu is half Orisha and half Egun. Eshu is full Orisha-Irunmole; his path also 21 and 121. They however are not the same. Eshu when received should stay near your shrine near your warriors. Ogun and Eshu should always stay together, they support one another. Eshu protects the door of your house from evil entity, along with Ogun.
Eshu stays in the house and outside the door with Ogun guarding your home. Ellegua goes outside, he is a street entity, he is at the corner or crossroads. He goes with you everyday to open the roads for you.
Service him on Monday at night-time.
Unlike Eshu, Ellegua can be crowned.
Eshu cannot be crowned,” he is a divine phenomenon”.
He is too big. To immense. But Ellegua can.
In Nigeria when they crown you, they crown Eshu, because they call Eshu and Ellegua the same.
Understand once again, Ellegua is the Orisha who opens the door for each Orisha to come down for them to communicate with their children. He presides over all ceremonies done in Orisha; he is the first Orisha you must call and pour libation to protect and passive negative forces around you. He is the one that stands by you when you doing initiations and ceremonies, when you die he is the one that brings you to the cemetery and connect you with the spirits who govern those realms, and present you to the ancestors; your ancestors.
Each Orisha has an Ellegua.
Eshu deals and communicates directly with Olofin, Ellegua however deals directly with Orisha and Egungun.
Is there a connection with the concepts of Satan and Christ?
Eshu is not the devil. Ellegua is not the devil. The missionaries in their ignorance and misunderstanding of African worldview and African spirituality tried to correspond the divine expression that is Eshu and Ellegua with Satan the Devil within the Euro-Christian context and manner of organizing. Their ignorance started them to calling them [Eshu and Ellegua] the devil. Within the Yoruba traditions the closest correspondence to the Devil, would be “Olosi” is a dark force; he or that which is in opposition to the Light; in Lucumi he is also known as Abita, which is a mystery that ONLY a Babalawo has to be able communicate directly with the Satan the Devil himself.
SIDE NOTE In talking about the mysteries of Lukankanse and Lugambi, etc. it should also be understood that these forces are not the Euro-Christian devil either, but however within the class and realms of “dark forces”.
In what way is Eshu and Ellegua connected to the other?
Eshua and Ellegua is directly connected to Orunmila; he Orunmila made a pact with his brother Eshu that he would always take care of him. Before a Babalawo does anything he pours libration to “Eshu-Ellegua”. This is the only way to bring the destiny of the person to manifest in the odu; within Vodun this is called the “Fa Legba” and is one calling down ones “Star” which is their heavenly and divine destiny which we are the materlization thereof; and many other things.
Eshu adada is the most important Eshu to the Babalawo.
Eshua adada, also has special connections with Shango….Shango works with any kind of Eshu or Ellegua.
Eshu is a masculine force, with feminine attributes, he is the phallus. The owner and distributor of Ashe, his phallus is a symbol of this power and vital forces.
For a women to be a women she must she opened by a man. [This has to do with a deep interchange of principals and energies, not with one’s personal beliefs or sensitivities]
The phallus symboliszes the power of Eshu. Ellegua has both male and female.
The true owners of ashe is Eshu, Ogun and the Ibejis. TheIbejis brought it [ashe] down.
Of the same mind that voodoo is evil. Everytime someone has shared a story about voodoo it was very negative.I'm Louisianian creaole and with that said I have relatives who practice the religion of voodoo. One thing I noticed in my adult life is that americans for the most part (black or white it doesn't matter) look at voodoo/vodun like its an evil religion or taboo. Most don't know that its a native western african religion. So whats your take on this religion? I'm not religious myself, I'm just curious thats all.
Eshu is created, the spirit created by Olofin in heaven, he who is born in heaven. Olofin gave Eshu “three main” keys:
1 - The key of the underworld.
2 – The key of the ancestors.
3 – The key for us to come back to Heaven.
And another that he has to open up the other dimensions and portals between Heaven and Earth.
Eshu is a very strong entity that Olofin was sent with Ogun to Earth to make a way for us to live here on.
Ogun would clear the path, and Eshu would open the path for us to live on this Earth.
Eshu is an entity that was created to give us an incentive to live on earth.
Eshu brought the languages, various tribes and races etc with him. All the diversity both within and outside of Nature. All the different ways of worship and methods of doing different things spiritually and secularly; the good and bad. We use our freewill to choose what path to take. God sent him to test us. But all of this is the great mysteries of Eshu. The holder of all keys to open all doors both spiritual and physical.
Eshu receives all the ebos. There are 21 Eshus that go into 121 when coming down to earth. There are many Eshus. Eshu is an old man with a young man’s heart. The Babalawos are the only ones who can make Eshu or conjure him to a stone [one of the original Eshu Yangi, growing stone]. No others can make Eshu. Eshu cannot be crowned on your head he is so immense.
Now on to Ellegua [Elegba]…
Ellegua is Eshu when he incarnates within the realms of Aye (Earth).
Ellegua is the Orisha that god also sent down from Heaven to aid Eshu. Eshu is half Orisha and half Egun. Eshu is full Orisha-Irunmole; his path also 21 and 121. They however are not the same. Eshu when received should stay near your shrine near your warriors. Ogun and Eshu should always stay together, they support one another. Eshu protects the door of your house from evil entity, along with Ogun.
Eshu stays in the house and outside the door with Ogun guarding your home. Ellegua goes outside, he is a street entity, he is at the corner or crossroads. He goes with you everyday to open the roads for you.
Service him on Monday at night-time.
Unlike Eshu, Ellegua can be crowned.
Eshu cannot be crowned,” he is a divine phenomenon”.
He is too big. To immense. But Ellegua can.
In Nigeria when they crown you, they crown Eshu, because they call Eshu and Ellegua the same.
Understand once again, Ellegua is the Orisha who opens the door for each Orisha to come down for them to communicate with their children. He presides over all ceremonies done in Orisha; he is the first Orisha you must call and pour libation to protect and passive negative forces around you. He is the one that stands by you when you doing initiations and ceremonies, when you die he is the one that brings you to the cemetery and connect you with the spirits who govern those realms, and present you to the ancestors; your ancestors.
Each Orisha has an Ellegua.
Eshu deals and communicates directly with Olofin, Ellegua however deals directly with Orisha and Egungun.
Is there a connection with the concepts of Satan and Christ?
Eshu is not the devil. Ellegua is not the devil. The missionaries in their ignorance and misunderstanding of African worldview and African spirituality tried to correspond the divine expression that is Eshu and Ellegua with Satan the Devil within the Euro-Christian context and manner of organizing. Their ignorance started them to calling them [Eshu and Ellegua] the devil. Within the Yoruba traditions the closest correspondence to the Devil, would be “Olosi” is a dark force; he or that which is in opposition to the Light; in Lucumi he is also known as Abita, which is a mystery that ONLY a Babalawo has to be able communicate directly with the Satan the Devil himself.
SIDE NOTE In talking about the mysteries of Lukankanse and Lugambi, etc. it should also be understood that these forces are not the Euro-Christian devil either, but however within the class and realms of “dark forces”.
In what way is Eshu and Ellegua connected to the other?
Eshua and Ellegua is directly connected to Orunmila; he Orunmila made a pact with his brother Eshu that he would always take care of him. Before a Babalawo does anything he pours libration to “Eshu-Ellegua”. This is the only way to bring the destiny of the person to manifest in the odu; within Vodun this is called the “Fa Legba” and is one calling down ones “Star” which is their heavenly and divine destiny which we are the materlization thereof; and many other things.
Eshu adada is the most important Eshu to the Babalawo.
Eshua adada, also has special connections with Shango….Shango works with any kind of Eshu or Ellegua.
Eshu is a masculine force, with feminine attributes, he is the phallus. The owner and distributor of Ashe, his phallus is a symbol of this power and vital forces.
For a women to be a women she must she opened by a man. [This has to do with a deep interchange of principals and energies, not with one’s personal beliefs or sensitivities]
The phallus symboliszes the power of Eshu. Ellegua has both male and female.
The true owners of ashe is Eshu, Ogun and the Ibejis. TheIbejis brought it [ashe] down.
However, even this association is a derived one. The word egúngún fundamentally means “to beat.” And this they used to do at the masquerades. Without the rising tone marks on the /u/ vowels, the word egungun means “bone.” The humerus bone and the bones of animals were man’s first striking instruments. At the Yorùbá egúngún festivals in Ibadan, for example, the police had to make the carrying of whips illegal at the masquerades because of the records of people maimed with the whips, some actually dying.
If money spells worked, nikkas wouldn't be broke for generations. If working "roots" or love spells worked, men would be faithful and wouldn't have sets of children or thots and families could at least come together to bring themselves out of self induced circumstances(aka "curses").
to all the naysayers i encourage you to listen to all of this interview
bookmark it if you have to
If you think it just mysticism you in for a rude awakening breh. The latter part of your statementanother youtube of dudes in their basement? really? - i'll pass.
it's mysticism packaged in afrocentricity. Would you entertain this if it was created today in India or Germany?
i don't accept anything unless there is evidence OR they understand the mechanics of the process. Voodoo fails at both.If you think it just mysticism you in for a rude awakening breh. The latter part of your statement
However given that you didnt entertain the video. I wont bother entertaining none of your comments in this thread.
i don't accept anything unless there is evidence OR they understand the mechanics of the process. Voodoo fails at both.