your definitely from the Midwest or phillyWalking taco
Sour/hot pickle
With a piece of white bread maybe the meal tomorrow
Yeah home ovens are good for roasting something and baking cakes, but pizzasWe on that same tip . I’m already getting good at them, but home ovens jsut don’t have that heat to really throw down.
Sound like the philly special. Don’t even ask me how I know
Playing outside( “500”, “21”, 4 square, etc.)
I would be heated if I was a little guy these days
a few times but not reallyYooooooooooooo. Did any of y’all play Uno and mancala?
Yeah home ovens are good for roasting something and baking cakes, but pizzas
I cant do weak azz pizza crust, as a pizza addict, Nothing grinds my gears mores than not having enough sauce and bland, basic crust.
I love those outdoor ovens because you can cook pizza fast and it gives you the little bubble air pocket in the crust.
Im getting that before a grill when I get a house. I wanna make neopolatin, but my favorite styles are New York and Chicago thin crust cut into squares. I wanna go to new haven Connecticut and try the apizz (it’s supposedly the best kind of dough).
We used to hurt these after school. We used to walk home, smoke and hit the arab store everyday.Iced/frosted honey buns