Runs all weekend I believe...if that's what your asking. Some really good deals top be had if you don't mind used
Is Mad Max Fury Road going to come out with a STEELBOOK? If so I need that. And where can I get the Steelbook for Mad Max if it's coming?
Is Mad Max Fury Road going to come out with a STEELBOOK? If so I need that. And where can I get the Steelbook for Mad Max if it's coming?
yeah that was what i was asking. and nope, i love buying used blu rays. gives me more clear of mind that, im spending alot less than usual with blu rays.
Mine came a week ago but the mailman thought i moved or something and he sent it forwarding and it just came backWOAH. Me too, breh. came in the mail today.
Criterion made some great announcements today......but yo....
I broke down and bought Mad Max Fury Road on Digital HD. I feel so dirty
I'm still gonna buy it on blu ray though