ass nikkas. I came in Fall 06.
It was more a commuter campus for you nikkas, res life got live starting in 07
Cole was president of HARAYA my freshman yr.
LOL...ahhhh the good ol days. Yeah, I was still around then. I lived off campus though Res Life was kinda wack cuz you right we were transitioning. I was up in the last dorm on the right (cant remember the name) my freshman year and soph I was in O'Conner after that we rented a spot.
Still had fun tho, Spynfo and Zeke kept campus live, I was at a lot of the parties (worked em lol #yellowjacketlife lol) and went to most of the games. Nice to see we got some Red Storm up on here!

and cmon man, I'm 31 (in like 8 days) def not