What would you do if you found out your homeboy was dating a 16 year old?


Mar 24, 2014
In which country?
16 is legal is some states and countries..not saying it's right.

Spain previously had the lowest age of consent in Europe, but raised it from 13 to 16 in 2013, bringing it in line with the UK, Russia, the Netherlands, Norway, Finland and Belgium. Children as young as 14 are considered able to consent to sex in Germany, Austria, Hungary, Italy and Portugal. By contrast, the age of consent is much higher in Turkey, at 18.

Age of consent laws vary widely from jurisdiction to jurisdiction,[1] though most jurisdictions set the age of consent in the range 14 to 18 (with the exceptions of Argentina, Niger and Western Sahara which set the age of consent for 13, Mexico which sets the age of consent between 12 and 18, and 14 Muslim states and the Vatican City that set the consent by marriage only).


All Star
Jul 9, 2017
ATL, but rasied in DMV
Inappropriate Behavior
Not saying they all will share it with you, but I haven't met one chick who f**ked an older guy when she was in highschool, and showed any shame. They seem to keep that as a badge of honor, especially if you could except it. Other than that, it goes in their diary, or shared with girlfriends at sleep overs.

I remember having this tall 11 year-old girl. who lived across the tracks, slob me down when I was 6. She did it twice. They moved about a year later. Did it affect me, no. If I went all the way with a women when I was 16, and she was 30, I still don't think it would make all that big a difference in my life later, although I wouldn't share that with no girlfriend...only my buddies. Btw, when I was about 11 or 12, I saw that 11 year-old girl who slobbed me down twice. I just remember she walked up to me in 7 Eleven, and asked me if I knew who she was...and I didn't. Then she told me who she was, and walked off. I never saw here again. I walked out that store feeling like I made out with a grown woman...lol.

But I do know brothers who did go all the way with female school teachers, when they were in high school. The ones that did well later in life, still held that as a badge of honor. The brothers that started doing bad later in life, use that as an excuse 20 years later, after bragging about it all those years. Same with the women I dealt with, who shared that kinda shyt with me.

Those girls from my hood that were f**king those grown men, when they were in high school, and even junior high school in some cases, probably don't even remember. Most of them done had children, and got fat. If they shared that shyt with any new boyfriends, or their husbands, they would be fools.

No I don't really agree with a grown men pursuing 16 year-old girls. But a 16 year-old girl pursuing grown men, especially single grown men, that's some shyt they gonna have to deal with. Since I been here in the ATL, I had one or two 16 years olds with 20 year-old bodies, pursue me. And people are mad at me because I didn't follow up. But at the same time, they hate me because the girls like me in the first place. That's Atlanta for you...go figure. Anyway, like I said, if a homeboy started dating a 16 year-old, especially if she had a body, and she was more the aggressor, I'm staying out of it.

While sorta on this topic, my old a** booked a 34 year-old on her job the other day. But I think she about that money. If she is, I hope she be straight up. But if I'm gonna pay, she could use a little more body, although she's cute. The same with this 28 year-old at another franchise, who is also cute. But this 28 year-old is tall, with a body like Jayne Kennedy and Pam Grier combined. I finally told her my age several weeks ago, giving her a reason why I never followed up with her teasing..lol. Now everytime I go in that store, everybody acts a fool. I almost think her co-worker gave me triple the amount of large fries, because she was tryna give me a stroke, or something. Those fries were fresh though...but still. Plus I could still see a little grease in them. She's older, and I'm sure she knows my true age too by now. So giving me all those fries was dangerous, although she was acting real friendly. But the last time I was there before this, the fine 28 year-old gave me some dark over cooked fries for the first time...probably because it's been almost a year, and I hadn't followed up with her, even after I saw her at the different location an hour away, where I first saw her. That's why I finally told her my age. It was good seeing her get transfered way down her near me...but I'm still not sure if that was a good thing, or why that even happened.

So anyway, the other part of me is tryna believe her older co-worker gave me all those fresh fries, to out do her for those nearly burnt fries she gave me the last time I saw her. Whatever her older co-worker's reason was, she really must not want me to wound up with her younger fine co-worker. But like I said, all those fries were dangerous, and I think part of her knew that as well. Now this makes two stores I don't feel right going in anymore...the one with the 34 year-old, and this one with the fine 28 year-old. I know the DMV girls got some bad ways, but I don't think they would do anything dangerous to you on purpose. I just know it can be a little spooky down here with these Southern girls. This is a prime example.

Now I know I went way, way off topic, but all that pedo talk ain't healthy either.
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All Star
Jul 9, 2017
ATL, but rasied in DMV
Tbh, most people in DC and MD think age of consent is 18 for the whole country. I know I did when I moved away from there, to Georgia. I was shocked to learn that it was 16 down here in Georgia. And tbh again, I'm just now finding out that it's 16 in DC and MD. I think we always had it mixed up with 18 because of the legal drinking age, and the draft age. I see it actually is 18 next door in Virginia. So we may have got it mixed up over the years.

If the age was 16 in MD in the 70's, then my next door neighbor, who didn't do too well in life, who use to brag about tapping his high school art teacher, was wrong for waiting this late, tryna say he was actually taken advantage of, tryna use this as an excuse for how he turned out. In actuality, he was almost a year older than everybody in his class. And since he did this in his senior year, he was actually 18, and probably turning 19 that coming summer. And since the art teacher was White, she could have set him up. No wonder she use to let him slob her down behind the staircase, during school hours.

I use to slob down my old girlfriend behind the staircase too during school hours, in my senior year. I didn't know I was being seen, since it was while everybody was in class. But my nextdoor neighbor (may she rest in peace) told me the word was out...lol. Didn't too many seniors or high school students period have the rep of doing this. So I probably had a bigger rep that senior year than I thought. It's just that I wasn't in love with the girl. She was just a freak from my block, who suddenly blossomed that summer...plus she transferred to a different school before December.

When I think back, this girl I'm talking about from the block was really nice, and was kept inside. But another homey, about two years-older than me, had her under the tunnel when she was 13, and he was 17, which is a huge age difference during those years. Plus he had went in the military at 17. He was seen coming out from under that pissy smelling tunnel with her, zipping up his pants. About a year later, he told me he couldn't penetrate her because she was too tight. That, and another freaky story about her a few year before this, and her freaking cousin living with her, who was getting anal f**ked since she was 9 or 10, by another homey who was 14, put her outta girlfriend material years ago. They say this homey who was doing her cousin, had a telephone pole d**k for a teenager. I heard it took her cousin a while before she got use to that thing. My other homey who use to see this, said he was leaving her a** hole the size of a 50 cent piece. I had no knowledge of this until my first year outta school. Or it may have been my senior...I can't remember.

Back to the freaky one I had in my senior year, I had the same problem, and was also unable to penetrate, even when I put her on top. I didn't realize it, but the girl I lost my virginity to not long before, and another girl I use to lay with earlier that summer, were all in the same grade, going to the same high school. And my daughters mother, was a year ahead of them three, and going to the same high school, but I didn't know her into her first year in college, plus she lived way over in another city. It turned out that my daughters mother had a sister behind her, in the same grade with those three I had been involved with. And her sister became one of the best friends too the freak from my block I was messing with...who told her I was no good, and had a history of getting what I wanted from girls, and bouncing. And of course this got back to my daughters mother. Guess what, I didn't see it then, but that freak from my block was half way right...lol. But it's obvious I had my reasons. Then I found out a few years later, that this freak from the block was seen in the tub by her stepmother, with her real father, the one who use to snatch her from the floor, during high school dances. Her stepmother left him behind this. But I know he wasn't penetrating her, at least back when I had her in high school, because nobody could get it in. And her father was a pretty big man. Most of the hood think her father was f**king her, but he probably wasn't...but was coming very close to it. I hope he didn't. I hear she's been down here in Atlanta for a while now, but something tells me I better continue leaving well enough alone. I know she would be devastated to find out my next door neighbor passed last month, her best friend in high school. That was a big lost to the block. Again, rest in peace to our nextdoor neighbor. She was a grade behind me, and kinda like Dee was to Rog on "What's Happening", telling everything that happened to me...lol.
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Nov 29, 2019
Not saying they all will share it with you, but I haven't met one chick who f**ked an older guy when she was in highschool, and showed any shame. They seem to keep that as a badge of honor, especially if you could except it. Other than that, it goes in their diary, or shared with girlfriends at sleep overs.

I remember having this tall 11 year-old girl. who lived across the tracks, slob me down when I was 6. She did it twice. They moved about a year later. Did it affect me, no. If I went all the way with a women when I was 16, and she was 30, it still don't think it would make all that big a difference in my life later, although I wouldn't share that with no girlfriend...only my buddies. Btw, when I was about 11 or 12, I saw that 11 year-old girl who slobbed me down twice. I just remember she walked up to me in 7 Eleven, and asked me if I knew who she was...and I didn't. Then she told me who she was, and walked off. I never saw here again. I walked out that store feeling like I made out with a grown woman...lol.

But I do know brothers who did go all the way with female school teachers, when they were in high school. The ones that did well later in life, still held that as a badge of honor. The brothers that started doing bad later in life, use that as an excuse 20 years later, after bragging about it all those years. Same with the women I dealt with, who shared that kinda shyt with me.

Those girls from my hood that were f**king those grown men, when they were in high school, and even junior high school in some cases, probably don't even remember. Most of them done had children, and got fat. If they shared that shyt with any new boyfriends, or their husbands, they would be fools.

No I don't really agree with a grown men pursuing 16 year-old girls. But a 16 year-old girl pursuing grown men, especially single grown men, that's some shyt they gonna have to deal with. Since I been here in the ATL, I had one or two 16 years olds with 20 year-old bodies, pursue me. And people are mad at me because I didn't follow up. But at the same time, they hate me because the girls like me in the first place. That's Atlanta for you...go figure. Anyway, like I said, if a homeboy started dating a 16 year-old, especially if she had a body, and she was more the aggressor, I'm staying out of it.

While sorta on this topic, my old a** booked a 34 year-old on her job the other day. But I think she about that money. If she is, I hope she be straight up. But if I'm gonna pay, she could use a little more body, although she's cute. The same with this 28 year-old at another franchise, who is also cute. But this 28 year-old is tall, with a body like Jayne Kennedy and Pam Grier combined. I finally told her my age several weeks ago, giving her a reason why I never followed up with her teasing..lol. Now everytime I go in that store, everybody acts a fool. I almost think her co-worker gave me triple the amount of large fries, because she was tryna give me a stroke, or something. Those fries were fresh though...but still. Plus I could still see a little grease in them. She's older, and I'm sure she knows my true age too by now. So giving all those fries was dangerous, although she was acting real friendly. But the last time I was there before this, the fine 28 year-old gave me some dark over cooked fries for the first time...probably because it's been almost a year, and I hadn't followed up with her, even after I saw her at the different location an hour away, where I first saw her. That's why I finally told her my age. It was good seeing her get transfered way down her near me...but I'm still not sure if that was a good thing.

So anyway, the other part of me is tryna believe her older co-worker gave me all those fresh fries, to out do her for those nearly burnt fries she gave me the last time I saw her. Whatever her older co-workers reason was, she really must not want me to wound up with her younger fine co-worker. But like I said, all those fries were dangerous, and I think part of her knew that as well. Now this makes two stores I don't feel right going in anymore...the one with the 34 year-old, and this one with the fine 28 year-old. I know the DMV girls got some bad ways, but I don't think they would do anything like this on purpose. I just know it can be a little spooky down here with these Southern girls. This is a prime example.

Now I know I went way, way off topic, but all that pedo talk ain't healthy either.


Please ban that weirdo.

EDIT: before you say, "you're overreacting, I don't see anything wrong."

1) he is clearly obsessed with this topic

2) he is old

3) given the points above, especially the fact that he's old, his description (the bolded, enlarged text) is very weird. Who makes such a crass description?
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Rozay Oro

2 Peter 3:9 if you don’t know God
Sep 9, 2013
I'm from a complete different era. As long as she's no kin to me, and I don't know her, I'm minding my own business, especially when 16 is legal in most parts of the South. If you think that's worth losing a homey over, especially where it's legal, then you'll probably wound up losing all your friends anyway. A little too much d**k watching, if it's consensual and legal.
This nikka has smashed 16 years old as an adult to make this stupid ass post

Sonic Boom of the South

Louisiana, Army War Vet, Jackson State Univ Alum,
May 1, 2012
Rosenbreg's, Rosenberg's...1825, Tulane
Tbh, most people in DC and MD think age of consent is 18 for the whole country. I know I did when I moved away from there, to Georgia. I was shocked to learn that it was 16 down here in Georgia. And tbh again, I'm just now finding out that it's 16 in DC and MD. I think we always had it mixed up with 18 because of the legal drinking age, and the draft age. I see it actually is 18 next door in Virginia. So we may have got it mixed up over the years.

If the age was 16 in MD in the 70's, then my next door neighbor, who didn't do too well in life, who use to brag about tapping his high school art teacher, was wrong for waiting this late, tryna say he was actually taken advantage of, tryna use this as an excuse for how he turned out. In actuality, he was almost a year older than everybody in his class. And since he did this in his senior year, he was actually 18, and probably turning 19 that coming summer. And since the art teacher was White, she could have set him up. No wonder she use to let him slob her down behind the staircase, during school hours.

I use to slob down my old girlfriend behind the staircase too during school hours, in my senior year. I didn't know I was being seen, since it was while everybody was in class. But my nextdoor neighbor (may she rest in peace) told me the word was out...lol. Didn't too many seniors or high school students period have the rep of doing this. So I probably had a bigger rep that senior year than I thought. It's just that I wasn't in love with the girl. She was just a freak from my block, who suddenly blossomed that summer...plus she transferred to a different school before December.

When I think back, this girl I'm talking about from the block was really nice, and was kept inside. But another homey, about two years-older than me, had her under the tunnel when she was 13, and he was 17, which is a huge age difference during those years. Plus he had went in the military at 17. He was seen coming out from under that pissy smelling tunnel with her, zipping up his pants. About a year later, he told me he couldn't penetrate her because she was too tight. That, and another freaky story about her a few year before this, and her freaking cousin living with her, who was getting anal f**ked since she was 9 or 10, by another homey who was 14, put her outta girlfriend material years ago. They say this homey who was doing her cousin, had a telephone pole d**k for a teenager. I heard it took her cousin a while before she got use to that thing. My other homey who use to see this, said he was leaving her a** hole the size of a 50 cent piece. I had no knowledge of this until my first year outta school. Or it may have been my senior...I can't remember.

Back to the freaky one I had in my senior year, I had the same problem, and was also unable to penetrate, even when I put her on top. I didn't realize it, but the girl I lost my virginity to not long before, and another girl I use to lay with earlier that summer, were all in the same grade, going to the same high school. And my daughters mother, was a year ahead of them three, and going to the same high school, but I didn't know her into her first year in college, plus she lived way over in another city. It turned out that my daughters mother had a sister behind her, in the same grade with those three I had been involved with. And her sister became one of the best friends too the freak from my block I was messing with...who told her I was no good, and had a history of getting what I wanted from girls, and bouncing. And of course this got back to my daughters mother. Guess what, I didn't see it then, but that freak from my block was half way right...lol. But it's obvious I had my reasons. Then I found out a few years later, that this freak from the block was seen in the tub by her stepmother, with her real father, the one who use to snatch her from the floor, during high school dances. Her stepmother left him behind this. But I know he wasn't penetrating her, at least back when I had her in high school, because nobody could get it in. And her father was a pretty big man. Most of the hood think her father was f**king her, but he probably wasn't...but was coming very close to it. I hope he didn't. I hear she's been down here in Atlanta for a while now, but something tells me I better continue leaving well enough alone. I know she would be devastated to find out my next door neighbor passed last month, her best friend in high school. That was a big lost to the block. Again, rest in peace to our nextdoor neighbor. She was a grade behind me, and kinda like Dee was to Rog on "What's Happening", telling everything that happened to me...lol.
I hope this poster gets killed with his pedophile ass!

Sonic Boom of the South

Louisiana, Army War Vet, Jackson State Univ Alum,
May 1, 2012
Rosenbreg's, Rosenberg's...1825, Tulane
you don't know what a joke is? expected better from a class of 2012 poster you soft azz nikka. busta neg me 5 times real nikkaz don't die :pacspit:
Look at this bytch ass Pedo talking bout: "It's just jokes......."

Sure you kid touching ass pervert! :scust:

Kill yaself.


Dec 12, 2019
Charleston, SC
Tbh, most people in DC and MD think age of consent is 18 for the whole country. I know I did when I moved away from there, to Georgia. I was shocked to learn that it was 16 down here in Georgia. And tbh again, I'm just now finding out that it's 16 in DC and MD. I think we always had it mixed up with 18 because of the legal drinking age, and the draft age. I see it actually is 18 next door in Virginia. So we may have got it mixed up over the years.

If the age was 16 in MD in the 70's, then my next door neighbor, who didn't do too well in life, who use to brag about tapping his high school art teacher, was wrong for waiting this late, tryna say he was actually taken advantage of, tryna use this as an excuse for how he turned out. In actuality, he was almost a year older than everybody in his class. And since he did this in his senior year, he was actually 18, and probably turning 19 that coming summer. And since the art teacher was White, she could have set him up. No wonder she use to let him slob her down behind the staircase, during school hours.

I use to slob down my old girlfriend behind the staircase too during school hours, in my senior year. I didn't know I was being seen, since it was while everybody was in class. But my nextdoor neighbor (may she rest in peace) told me the word was out...lol. Didn't too many seniors or high school students period have the rep of doing this. So I probably had a bigger rep that senior year than I thought. It's just that I wasn't in love with the girl. She was just a freak from my block, who suddenly blossomed that summer...plus she transferred to a different school before December.

When I think back, this girl I'm talking about from the block was really nice, and was kept inside. But another homey, about two years-older than me, had her under the tunnel when she was 13, and he was 17, which is a huge age difference during those years. Plus he had went in the military at 17. He was seen coming out from under that pissy smelling tunnel with her, zipping up his pants. About a year later, he told me he couldn't penetrate her because she was too tight. That, and another freaky story about her a few year before this, and her freaking cousin living with her, who was getting anal f**ked since she was 9 or 10, by another homey who was 14, put her outta girlfriend material years ago. They say this homey who was doing her cousin, had a telephone pole d**k for a teenager. I heard it took her cousin a while before she got use to that thing. My other homey who use to see this, said he was leaving her a** hole the size of a 50 cent piece. I had no knowledge of this until my first year outta school. Or it may have been my senior...I can't remember.

Back to the freaky one I had in my senior year, I had the same problem, and was also unable to penetrate, even when I put her on top. I didn't realize it, but the girl I lost my virginity to not long before, and another girl I use to lay with earlier that summer, were all in the same grade, going to the same high school. And my daughters mother, was a year ahead of them three, and going to the same high school, but I didn't know her into her first year in college, plus she lived way over in another city. It turned out that my daughters mother had a sister behind her, in the same grade with those three I had been involved with. And her sister became one of the best friends too the freak from my block I was messing with...who told her I was no good, and had a history of getting what I wanted from girls, and bouncing. And of course this got back to my daughters mother. Guess what, I didn't see it then, but that freak from my block was half way right...lol. But it's obvious I had my reasons. Then I found out a few years later, that this freak from the block was seen in the tub by her stepmother, with her real father, the one who use to snatch her from the floor, during high school dances. Her stepmother left him behind this. But I know he wasn't penetrating her, at least back when I had her in high school, because nobody could get it in. And her father was a pretty big man. Most of the hood think her father was f**king her, but he probably wasn't...but was coming very close to it. I hope he didn't. I hear she's been down here in Atlanta for a while now, but something tells me I better continue leaving well enough alone. I know she would be devastated to find out my next door neighbor passed last month, her best friend in high school. That was a big lost to the block. Again, rest in peace to our nextdoor neighbor. She was a grade behind me, and kinda like Dee was to Rog on "What's Happening", telling everything that happened to me...lol.
YOOOOO, this clown really wrote an essay tryna justify having sex with minors. :huhldup:

born of fire

sherri martel stan account
May 29, 2018
Those pedo laws were really meant for having sex with children who look like children. I'm talking about ones that obviously haven't hit puberty. These real pedos, the ones that get away with it, hang out with people like Jeffrey Epstein, molesting 10 year-old children on some remote Island, who wound up on the dark web. It was never about a promiscuous 16 year-old with a body like she 21. That's why they lowered the age in the first place.

Back when I was a child, when they didn't play, and held children more responsible, a mother would have took her 16 year-old back to the barn, and tore her a** up.
wow this was a whole lot of babbling to excuse fukking a teenager!