What were you doing on 9/11?

Carolina Slim

May 1, 2012
Raleigh by way of Crooklyn
That day was weird for me. I had dropped my son off at the babysitter, and took the M train across the Williamsburg Bridge into Manhattan. It was around 8:30 or so, and I had passed right by the Towers in the distance. I worked on 55th between 6th and 7th, so I didn't come up from underground until about 9:00. Even then, walking to my job, I remember it wasn't a lot of confusion or anything. If anything it seemed like business as usual. It wasn't till I got to the building and dapped up the old head at the front desk and he told me "a plane hit the World Trade Center". I was thinking it was just a small plane or something, but at the same time I was like :dwillhuh: cause I knew that there was rarely ever any air traffic over the city. Then I got to my department and that's when I realized how big it was. Everyone was trying to contact loved ones (one dude's wife worked in one of the towers), cell phones was down, internet was down. I remember people getting all these weird reports; one broad was in the lobby hysterical crying about "the White House was blown up". The one TV in the firm was placed in a conference room, and everybody from our 12 floors was crowding trying to see or hear the news. My wife worked on 34th St., right across from the Empire State Building, so I walked down there to get her. Surprisingly, they hadn't been dismissed. I made a big fuss about how stupid it was to be working right across from a potential target while there was still an unaccounted for plane out there. We came back to my job and had lunch in the cafeteria. In the meantime I heard about the towers collapsing, but passed it off as crazy hearsay rumors. Once we heard the trains were back up and running, we went back to Brooklyn and picked up my son. That ride on the train was mad quiet. Everybody had this stunned look like :lupe: Once I got home and put the news on, that was the absolute first that I was able to fully see and process what happened.

One of my most vivid memories came that night/next morning though. My son woke up in the middle of the night (he was one), and I went to go get him something to drink. We had the windows open, so as I walked to the kitchen, I smelled smoke, like something right near us was on fire. But I didn't hear any sirens. So I looked outside the window to see if I could see where the fire was. I was still sleepy, then I realized that what I was smelling was the fire from Ground Zero. That made it chillingly personal for me right then and there, to be smelling that. I gave my son his bottle and then I couldn't go back to sleep. I stayed up and watched the news the rest of the night.


Jul 3, 2012
DMV | Philly
That day was weird for me. I had dropped my son off at the babysitter, and took the M train across the Williamsburg Bridge into Manhattan. It was around 8:30 or so, and I had passed right by the Towers in the distance. I worked on 55th between 6th and 7th, so I didn't come up from underground until about 9:00. Even then, walking to my job, I remember it wasn't a lot of confusion or anything. If anything it seemed like business as usual. It wasn't till I got to the building and dapped up the old head at the front desk and he told me "a plane hit the World Trade Center". I was thinking it was just a small plane or something, but at the same time I was like :dwillhuh: cause I knew that there was rarely ever any air traffic over the city. Then I got to my department and that's when I realized how big it was. Everyone was trying to contact loved ones (one dude's wife worked in one of the towers), cell phones was down, internet was down. I remember people getting all these weird reports; one broad was in the lobby hysterical crying about "the White House was blown up". The one TV in the firm was placed in a conference room, and everybody from our 12 floors was crowding trying to see or hear the news. My wife worked on 34th St., right across from the Empire State Building, so I walked down there to get her. Surprisingly, they hadn't been dismissed. I made a big fuss about how stupid it was to be working right across from a potential target while there was still an unaccounted for plane out there. We came back to my job and had lunch in the cafeteria. In the meantime I heard about the towers collapsing, but passed it off as crazy hearsay rumors. Once we heard the trains were back up and running, we went back to Brooklyn and picked up my son. That ride on the train was mad quiet. Everybody had this stunned look like :lupe: Once I got home and put the news on, that was the absolute first that I was able to fully see and process what happened.

One of my most vivid memories came that night/next morning though. My son woke up in the middle of the night (he was one), and I went to go get him something to drink. We had the windows open, so as I walked to the kitchen, I smelled smoke, like something right near us was on fire. But I didn't hear any sirens. So I looked outside the window to see if I could see where the fire was. I was still sleepy, then I realized that what I was smelling was the fire from Ground Zero. That made it chillingly personal for me right then and there, to be smelling that. I gave my son his bottle and then I couldn't go back to sleep. I stayed up and watched the news the rest of the night.

Damn B. This post was vivid as hell :wow:


SOHH Class of 2003 and CASUAL sports fan
May 4, 2012
Had just left the army and was in training for a new job.

1st day of training and someone told us there was free doughnuts in the breakroom. As I came back from the breakroom I see a bunch of people gathered around the TV talking about "there has been an accident in New York"


Jul 28, 2013
I was in 7th grade when it happened. All the kids were in the classroom wondering why our teacher was running late. Then 10 minutes later the teacher comes in without saying a word then cuts on the classroom tv and turns to channel 5 and we saw the first tower on fire. We all sat there and watched the whole event, it was pretty messed up.

Jazzy B.

Aug 8, 2013
Was on my way home from school, got back back to see my mother watching it on the news, plane had just hit the tower I think as I remember seeing smoke, told her to :camby:the channel, then got the :umad::birdman: face and was told to "shut up". Watched it the news coverage for a bit then decided to do something else, Jazzy didn't really know what was going on at the time. Wouldn't surprise me if the teachers were talking about it when Jazzy was at school that day, but Jazzy was completely oblivious to it.


Jan 8, 2013
1st grade? 2nd grade? damn too many kids in here.....

anyways i was in 9th grade french class. teacher left the class, and came back with a tv and we watched the first tower on fire and then drop.. then the 2nd tower got hit and dropped.


Stop lyin' nicca.
Oct 23, 2012
Chicago, Il
I was in the break room at my job watching it on tv along with everyone else. As soon as the second plane hit, people were hysterical and there was panic and crying. Although, I didnt know anyone in NY at the time, my heart was so heavy. Then sent everyone home and we didnt come back until 2 days later. One of the females that worked at my job lost her brother. She was crying in the bathroom before she even knew he didnt make it, I guess she felt it.