What makes ya'll think women were much better or more virtuous back then?


May 1, 2012
Raping and hitting your wife was more acceptable back then...the good ol' days.


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
I like your argument; but, I gotta poke at it.

"On top of that, it has exposed a lot of men for what they really are without civil laws giving them power - p*ssy whipped simps and idiots"

The biggest fallacy told, on here, is that; somehow, men are losing power.

When in reality; we aren't. And where we don't have "power," (single parent homes) it's because we walked away from the responsibility that comes with power.

I posted a thread, on SOHH, about this article: 5 Ways Modern Men Are Trained to Hate Women | Cracked.com (point 1 is the only relevant one to this thread)

And cats lost their minds.

Now, I may have talkin' that part out of context; you may have meant :

...it has exposed a lot of men for what they really are if their were no civil laws giving them power - p*ssy whipped simps and idiots
Pretty much what I was trying to say breh. A lot of men in my generation have exposed the fact that deep down a good (maybe majority) amount of us will do or say whatever they can to get in some p*ssy. All a girl has to do is really look good because guys just want to be able to parade around like :youngsabo: thinking to themselves, "feast ya'll eyes, this is my p*ssy right here."

A shame but :manny:. As a result, women in this day have realized just how easy it is to take get them got. A pretty smile, a padded bra...some yoga pants is damn near all thats needed now. The only question is who is the joke on? Theres always one loser.

A) The man who is saying all these sweet nothings but ultimately just wants to smash and dash. This guy often uses a spray tactic firing messages at a plethora of women. One bites the bullet (no pun intended :wow:) and thinks she might have found a really good dude. He smashes, leaves and shes in the dust.

B) The man who is saying all these sweet nothings and doing deeds thinking that each one is going to bring him that much closer to the p*ssy (exactly like the guy in A). Only he doesnt realize that the woman is hip to the game. She takes him for a sucker and just as the guy thinks he's gonna get invited upstairs ...it turns out shes on her period or has an emergency and they'll have to wait for some other time. :heh:

It's a dirty game brehs. This creates a divide and nobody really trusts each other. It is literally exactly like the stock markets if you look at bears vs. bulls...asks vs. bids. There is always a winner and a loser and right now women are winning on avg.

shyt...this might be another thread in itself :shaq2: