snow bunnies
It has to have the kids being happy in the end.
It has to be long, none of that 90 minute Lifetime crap.
For sure, Christmas is such a wide ranging genre and theme you can make a good movie if you try. Miracle on 34th street (both versions) is an example.Oh so two hours or bust right?
Christamas barely has anything to do with religion. lol
But it hardly makes any sense to have a Christmas movie that doesn't center on Christmas imo.
I get @StraxStrax 's point...but they wouldn't have been rushing around in Home Alone if they weren't trying
to be somewhere for Christmas. And in Jingle All The Way none of that woulda happened if Arns wasn't trying
to get li'l dude the toy for Christmas.
wordDie Hard could be about the christmas spirit also its core, it's about a man trying to put his family back together and atone for the sins he's made. Isn't that what Christmas is about? Family and forgiveness?
It's probably the movie I've seen the most in my life. I watch the marathon every year and the movie just makes me happy
They we're rushing because their alarm clock didn't go off tho
...and why were all those people together in that house for the night?
And they're going on vacation. I get what he's saying though..the idea of leaving a kid at home by himself could be anything, doesn't have to be Christmas but Christmas is in the DNA of that movie
I get what he's saying as well...but nobody stays in the house with all those relatives like that unless it's the holidays.
I think my thing is, I find sentiment even in what would appear to be the most cynical movies. I'd say Lethal Weapon could be a cynical movie (and yes it's still a christmas movie in my eyes) but I find a lot of emotion and sentiment in it. Same with Die Hard and Gremlins
Great point.