Basically the early members of the site were dudes who tried to learn pick up from the "gurus" and got no results.
It was the only place where you could get real reviews for the pua bootcamps and ebooks.
Most of the fukkery took place in a subforum called "shytty Advice", kind of like TLR.
So eventually you had the gurus themselves joining the site to try and clear their name, but would then get destroyed.
I remember Roger Allen Currie and Justin Wayne both got decimated on there when they tried to join.
Ross Jeffries and RSD Tyler got exposed as frauds.
The site members would actually pull receipts of these guys' girlfriends who were always average as hell.
Then someone had the revolutionary idea that looks mattered and set out to prove it.
Countless POF profile experiments were made to show how shallow women are.
Then I think some mass shooting happened and site members somehow connected it to sexual frustration. It was Anders Breivik I think
Now here's where the deadly combo comes from.
Two things: The Boston Marathon Bombing and Trayvon Martin's case.
With Trayvon Martin, you saw a whole bunch of white supremacists all over the internet come out the wood works. Cacs on the internet started showing their TRUE colors outside of st0rmfr0nt, ***** and Yahoo answers.
Then with the Boston Marathon, you saw a bunch of females showing support for the bomber which proved to these guys that it was all about looks.
The ACTUAL incels got ran out of the forum. They got roasted to oblivion.
This guy for example was like the Ibuccimane of that site. They would not relent.
It went from saying PUAs are frauds -> Looks matter -> Only perfect white looks matter.
The site got shutdown I think because of Elliot Rodger or maybe it was before him
But there was another old head mass shooter/murderer I can't remember.
Most of the newer guys were random white supremacists from who didn't feel they were perfect Aryans and were mad that they can't get attractive 18 year old white girls.
The term "Chad" also kinda grew from that site.
Now I look weird for actually knowing about this bullshyt