What Make Incels Dangerous?


Judge me by my heart not my hairline
Jan 5, 2017
You're missing the point. The whole point of it is their lack of p*ssy is the source of their anger. Violent men who do get p*ssy may have some other source of anger but you're asking specifically about incels.

Btw part of the reason they don't get p*ssy is because they feel entitled to women way above their weight class. If you're a below average looking dude, don't have money or unwilling to spend money, and have no personality well you're not bagging dimes. And shyt ain't nothing wrong with that.

Incels aren't specifically targeting women they're the mass shooters. Ya'll should read the manifesto Elliot Rodgers wrote. He felt entitled that because he was white he should be getting women and he wasn't. That's why they're dangerous. That feeling of inadequacy

This is a common miss conception about incels. They're mad cause it's hard for them to pull ugly to average looking women. It's like you're playing basketball and you miss a shyt ton of layups along with the other shots. Yeah you're gonna be disappointed about the misssed 3s and long 2s, but you're gonna be furious about the layups.


May 17, 2012
Brick City, NJ
For all intents and purposes, I'm going to omit black incels from my post because I really don't see these cats doing anything other than getting depressed, going on sites like this one, venting about women, life, their shortcomings, dealing with racism on many levels, possibly colorism, socioeconomic problems they didn't create but inherit, etc. That's alot to deal with, but black incels ain't shooting anybody up in a mall or a mosque or a synagogue.

The white incel by all means is absolutely fukking dangerous. Here you have an individual born and raised in a society which has given him privilege by birthright of being white in a white society. The game is rigged in their favor. They can go anywhere and find men and women that look like their family and friends in all 50 states. The media is catered to them. The politicians cater to them and look like them. They own the vast majority of the businesses and corporations. They are beyond entitled. And because the society caters to them, they believe they are entitled to the best jobs, the best women, the most money, and success, not because of talent, effort, and merit, but because they were born white and male. Rather than improve on themselves, they have believed that everybody else is wrong and is a threat on their journey to sexual release and liberation; especially black men, feminists, LGBTQs, Jews, Muslims, and other invaders to the "western society" they believe only they can protect, because behind this mentality is a pure absorption of white patriarchal christian supremacist rhetoric...that non whites are somewhat "impure" and that women (especially white women) should be subservient to their men.

Then these white incels find these forums and websites, where the discussion goes from their problems with women to full on radicalization to action against those they believe have wronged them.

That's what makes Incels...especially white male incels dangerous.

I'd be more sympathetic to their plight if most of them hadn't already decidide by virtue of me being black and male that I'm a threat that needs to be exterminated so fukk them.


Basically the early members of the site were dudes who tried to learn pick up from the "gurus" and got no results.
It was the only place where you could get real reviews for the pua bootcamps and ebooks.

Most of the fukkery took place in a subforum called "shytty Advice", kind of like TLR.

So eventually you had the gurus themselves joining the site to try and clear their name, but would then get destroyed.
I remember Roger Allen Currie and Justin Wayne both got decimated on there when they tried to join.
Ross Jeffries and RSD Tyler got exposed as frauds.
The site members would actually pull receipts of these guys' girlfriends who were always average as hell.

Then someone had the revolutionary idea that looks mattered and set out to prove it.
Countless POF profile experiments were made to show how shallow women are.

Then I think some mass shooting happened and site members somehow connected it to sexual frustration. It was Anders Breivik I think

Now here's where the deadly combo comes from.
Two things: The Boston Marathon Bombing and Trayvon Martin's case.

With Trayvon Martin, you saw a whole bunch of white supremacists all over the internet come out the wood works. Cacs on the internet started showing their TRUE colors outside of st0rmfr0nt, ***** and Yahoo answers.

Then with the Boston Marathon, you saw a bunch of females showing support for the bomber which proved to these guys that it was all about looks.

The ACTUAL incels got ran out of the forum. They got roasted to oblivion.

This guy for example was like the Ibuccimane of that site. They would not relent.

It went from saying PUAs are frauds -> Looks matter -> Only perfect white looks matter.

The site got shutdown I think because of Elliot Rodger or maybe it was before him
But there was another old head mass shooter/murderer I can't remember.

Most of the newer guys were random white supremacists from bodybuilding.com who didn't feel they were perfect Aryans and were mad that they can't get attractive 18 year old white girls.

The term "Chad" also kinda grew from that site.

Now I look weird for actually knowing about this bullshyt:snoop:

No shame in knowing the inner workings of the enemy.


Rouge AI
Oct 16, 2015
A Villa Straylight.
Basically the early members of the site were dudes who tried to learn pick up from the "gurus" and got no results.
It was the only place where you could get real reviews for the pua bootcamps and ebooks.

Most of the fukkery took place in a subforum called "shytty Advice", kind of like TLR.

So eventually you had the gurus themselves joining the site to try and clear their name, but would then get destroyed.
I remember Roger Allen Currie and Justin Wayne both got decimated on there when they tried to join.
Ross Jeffries and RSD Tyler got exposed as frauds.
The site members would actually pull receipts of these guys' girlfriends who were always average as hell.

Then someone had the revolutionary idea that looks mattered and set out to prove it.
Countless POF profile experiments were made to show how shallow women are.

Then I think some mass shooting happened and site members somehow connected it to sexual frustration. It was Anders Breivik I think

Now here's where the deadly combo comes from.
Two things: The Boston Marathon Bombing and Trayvon Martin's case.

With Trayvon Martin, you saw a whole bunch of white supremacists all over the internet come out the wood works. Cacs on the internet started showing their TRUE colors outside of st0rmfr0nt, ***** and Yahoo answers.

Then with the Boston Marathon, you saw a bunch of females showing support for the bomber which proved to these guys that it was all about looks.

The ACTUAL incels got ran out of the forum. They got roasted to oblivion.

This guy for example was like the Ibuccimane of that site. They would not relent.

It went from saying PUAs are frauds -> Looks matter -> Only perfect white looks matter.

The site got shutdown I think because of Elliot Rodger or maybe it was before him
But there was another old head mass shooter/murderer I can't remember.

Most of the newer guys were random white supremacists from bodybuilding.com who didn't feel they were perfect Aryans and were mad that they can't get attractive 18 year old white girls.

The term "Chad" also kinda grew from that site.

Now I look weird for actually knowing about this bullshyt:snoop:
The site is now called Sluthate I think.


Jan 24, 2014
Low Quality Posting
This is a common miss conception about incels. They're mad cause it's hard for them to pull ugly to average looking women. It's like you're playing basketball and you miss a shyt ton of layups along with the other shots. Yeah you're gonna be disappointed about the misssed 3s and long 2s, but you're gonna be furious about the layups.

Yeah that's projection. Women are the ones who wont stay in their lane, that's why so many end up being single moms.


Sep 16, 2012
This is a common miss conception about incels. They're mad cause it's hard for them to pull ugly to average looking women. It's like you're playing basketball and you miss a shyt ton of layups along with the other shots. Yeah you're gonna be disappointed about the misssed 3s and long 2s, but you're gonna be furious about the layups.

I didn’t know what this incel thing was about till somebody in here posted a interview a few did for Vice or something.

By the end of the video it was clear as hell why these dudes aren’t getting laid.

They had zero social skills the worst personality and entitlement issues up the ass. They were garbage human beings who you wouldn’t want to even be friends with.

They also act like they have every women alive figured out yet they even admitted they rarely go outside.

If they did they’d find that you don’t need to be a male model or mr popular or personality to get a women. The idea only male models are getting women is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.

The biggest thing though I got from the video was these dudes suffer from severe mental issues. They were not playing with a full deck


May 3, 2012
As someone previously said in a thread similar to this. Nikkaz with 10 baby mommas are generally more a threat than lonely dudes :yeshrug:


Judge me by my heart not my hairline
Jan 5, 2017
Yeah that's projection. Women are the ones who wont stay in their lane, that's why so many end up being single moms.

Exactly. Women are the ones who want 2pac in a business suit or try trey songz with a choir.

Mandarin Duck

Majestic and Highfalutin
Dec 27, 2012
I didn’t know what this incel thing was about till somebody in here posted a interview a few did for Vice or something.

By the end of the video it was clear as hell why these dudes aren’t getting laid.

They had zero social skills the worst personality and entitlement issues up the ass. They were garbage human beings who you wouldn’t want to even be friends with.

They also act like they have every women alive figured out yet they even admitted they rarely go outside.

If they did they’d find that you don’t need to be a male model or mr popular or personality to get a women. The idea only male models are getting women is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.

The biggest thing though I got from the video was these dudes suffer from severe mental issues. They were not playing with a full deck
It doesn't start out that way.

Their interactions with women start out normal.

They express interest in a female who they have been regularly communicating with, but she doesn't show the same interest back.

In his eyes all is good.

They talk,they laugh.

Them being BF/GF only makes sense.

Except she don't feel the same way.

So if an incel is hearing from women he likes about how awesome he is and how great of a guy he is, yet they themselves don't want him, it's going to make him think it's his appearance.

He realizes that all women see him as a "friend" and he'd rather not interact with women at all if they only want to be friends.

And remember not getting p*ssy makes you a lame/corny so he doesn't have anyone irl he can talk to.

So he goes online to talk to men who have very similar experiences.

They share similar experiences and ideas. Then the radicalization comes in.

"You're right man. It's not your fault."
"It's the women"
"Women only care about looks"
"Women need to learn"
"Women will respect you by any means"

Thurgood Thurston III

#LLNB #LLLB #E4R | woooK nypdK
Nov 20, 2017
The kirk to the fields
The site is now called Sluthate I think.
Yup I think that's when Elliot Rodgers got on. I think Sluthate got shut down too.

There's like three different sites everyone moved to.
No shame in knowing the inner workings of the enemy.
True. Part of the reason why I hate hearing these guys referred to as "incels" is because the majority of them aren't actually involuntarily celibate.

The real incels are guys with legit facial deformities or mental illnesses who don't even complain that much.

The guys who people mistakenly refer to as incels are bodybuilding trolls and ***** pedos. They're essentially parodying actual incels which causes people to label them as such.

The only label that fits them is suspected and blatant white supremacists.