What made you fall in love with him??

Terrance Curtis Beasley

These ni*gas claim Top 5 but we OVOK
Jan 1, 2015
There were several things, but this one stuck out to me: I was out of work for about 8 months, finally found a job and was getting back on my feet, and then I fukked up my retainers and needed $200 to replace them, but I didn't get paid until a week later. This may not seem like a big deal, but I have a gap that I had closed via braces and without my retainers, I would have needed additional braces treatment, which could have been $2k+

I didn't have anyone else to ask so I asked him and he said "I'll have it for you tomorrow". Gave me 10 $20's, all crisp, all facing the same way. :noah: Never mentioned when I would pay him back or anything. Wasn't a lot of money but I didn't have any close friends/fam I could ask that had it and those that did have it would have harassed me the whole week until I paid them back. It felt good that he had my back for something that was really important to me.