I never noticed but now that I think about it it’s unreal how often that is the case

I meant Anthony Anderson.Anthony Edwards wasn't in transformers.
Also i'm not seeing this trend at all. Most tech guys in any movie are a lil quirky regardless, and when its a black person it usually comes off as cool or charming or its just a regular dude.
Ving Rhames in Mission Impossible series, Luda and whats her name in Fast and Furious, homeboy from Terminator, the various other examples already posted in this thead, none of them were clowns or simps or whatever...
Was just about to post thisThe OG
To be fair Anthony Anderson was a straight Clown/c00n that whole film and his replacement was a funny looking black chef in the sequel and robots who couldn’t read and have gold teeth….I have noticed that big blockbuster movies tend to make the black tech guy into a clown or a simp. Prime examples are Anthony Edwards in the first Transformers and Justice Smith in Jurassic World 2.
The OG
Light pandering.