Yes, people with STEM degrees earn more as a whole than those with other degrees, but not everyone can be a STEM major, and there are important jobs that need to be filled that are not in the field of STEM. Most of you who are obsessed with it aren't even STEM majors, and it's not like you want people to go on to create their own with these degrees you just want them to join white companies. There's a reason that blacks and women are underrepresented in STEM , and it's because those two groups are not encouraged to join those fields. In the case of blacks the math and science education for inner city schools is abysmal, so it's very understandable why people wouldn't major in STEM in college. All of this is to ask why you are really obsessed with STEM degrees? The obsession doesn't stem for a want for the betterment of our community, so what is it really about?