Yes, people with STEM degrees earn more as a whole than those with other degrees, but not everyone can be a STEM major, and there are important jobs that need to be filled that are not in the field of STEM. Most of you who are obsessed with it aren't even STEM majors, and it's not like you want people to go on to create their own with these degrees you just want them to join white companies. There's a reason that blacks and women are underrepresented in STEM , and it's because those two groups are not encouraged to join those fields. In the case of blacks the math and science education for inner city schools is abysmal, so it's very understandable why people wouldn't major in STEM in college. All of this is to ask why you are really obsessed with STEM degrees? The obsession doesn't stem for a want for the betterment of our community, so what is it really about?
Sweetie pie, I am in my final year of study for a B.S. in Chemistry. What did you major in? Are you out here loaning your talents to these young minds that are consistently unappreciated in your community? With an answer like that I'm guessing NO.
What are you planning on doing after you finish your degree? I'm asking because I'm a stem grad in Biology; minor in Chem. Work as a formulation chemist.
To answer your question; the reason why I am obsessed with STEM degrees is because that was the only thing I was good at in high school besides sports, that's why I pursued it in college. Later on that's when I found out why I failed a lot of my classes in high school was because I have a STEM; mindset. I'm not interested in painting or other stuff like that; but if you give me a engineering magazine or something science based; I will read it front and back. When you say there are more important careers which does not involve some sort of STEM is not correct. Even if you wanted to become a famous painter; you might have to make your own paint, that's when mathematics and chemistry comes into play, even biology, if you decide to make paint from natural resources ie. plants, insects and etc. In order to have an excellent business you need to have good money management skills also; which included statistics and analytical consumer predictability.
I barley graduated from inner city high school and my stem teachers were black; when I went to my community college, my teachers with non-black. I graduated from an HBCU. When I got to my community college my love for science had deteriorated due to my non-black teachers. STEM degrees will help the black community; but entrepreneurship is the thing that will help the black community out more. If you have brothers and sisters that possess STEM degrees and have a entrepreneurship mindset, that's when you really make a substantial economical contribution to the black community.
There was research done on blacks and it showed that blacks excelled more so than the white counter parts. But when they reached middle school and further more into high school; their passion for science and technology dropped and the question is why? Here is the link; it's a PDF file; page 7 & 9 . I used to volunteer with black children when I had time and I taught them advance science and they understood. I had one child; female, and she would repeat everything I said word for word. I tested her in mathematics and I told her mom that your daughter I extremely smart; the following week the mother came up to me and told me that her daughter was bumped to 2 grade levels.