I'm not gonna waste my time trying to dumb it down for your less logical female brain let's just leave it at that, sugar t*ts
You fukkin relic-ass thinker you. We off the sugar t*ts namecalling now. It's 2012 by the way.
I'm not gonna waste my time trying to dumb it down for your less logical female brain let's just leave it at that, sugar t*ts
It's not.
I believe in true equality, the type of equality where everyone is held to the same standard regardless of sex, that means I'm a true egalitarian, I don't buy into the myth that men have a monopoly on privilege and that men only perpetuate oppressive structures, to say such a thing discredits women. Women have power. This election proved such a thing.
I think the truth is much more nuanced than what feminist theory portrays it to be. This quote sums up my thoughts on the matter
The last sentence is tongue-in cheek but shes right. I think society is driven by our natures. Women have a different nature than men.The oppression lies in the adherence to the nature. The hardware isn't the problem, it's the software. We're running on outdated software.
The men who are whining in this thread, are they the same men who control society? What do we have in common with them apart from sharing the same sex? not much I imagine. It's a tokenism argument. All men are not the same. There are a lot of men who hate men and are biased in favor of women, some are even elected officials I hear.
Who in here is arguing against females having right to employment, being paid fairly, and the right to vote? We're talking about the agenda to emasculate men and removing men from the family structure. That has NOTHING to do with women to live in a society that treats them fairly.
Why is the black struggle ALWAYS brought up and conveniently used? It's funny how women are supposedly this highly discriminated group in society that men are oppressing... you mean the same women that can send a man to jail if he doesn't have the means to pay outlandish amounts of child support? Women who don't face equal consequences as men? Women who can hit, punch and spit on men and yet have HIM be taken away by the cops? Women automatically awarded custody of the kids in the vast majority of cases without any consideration of who is truly the more responsible. Women allowed to live well off the backs of their 'starter husbands' via divorce proceedings, alimony and chlid support? How about men being forced to pay child support for a kid that is proven not to be his biologically? Do women have to worry about a draft if a war broke out? Of losing their limbs on the front line? But yeah, that's similar to the black struggle of working up to sundown, having to eat disgusting scraps, being whipped and routinely degraded.
Who is absolving men of any responsibility? Men have a CRITICAL role in raising the family and ensuring the success of the children... and yet there are ACTIVE policies contributing to the dissolution of the family structure such as no-fault divorces for one. Guess who initiates the majority of divorces. Ever heard of the term 'starter-husband'?
You think society is entitled to holding people's hands and providing all the information... I dont, thats the difference
My question to you is, how come you know about the African holocaust and your people don't? Is it because "the folks pushing the agendas" thought you were special and decided to give you the inside scoop, or you took the initiative to seek out the info for yourself? If its the latter why can't your people do that? If you think the info is important are you out spreading it, or just complaining about being the only informed dude in your circle?
All I see in this thread is a bunch of dudes making excuses for not being strong role models & handing their business
Instead of crying like "women" why not go rectify the situation? Real men don't complain, they do real thangs
Real men see things for what they are. I'm not going to write anything else to prove or provide links to show that society pushes certain agendas. It just is what it is.
seriously, end of thread.
Now we come to the core of this whole debate. This post is exemplary insofar as none of yall advocating this conspiracy can provide actual evidence linking women's rights/equality/substantive feminism to any of the social ills you cite, or any of the wilder dystopian scenarios you fear. Your position is driven by emotion. At some point you're just going to have to come to terms with that.
debate isn't about woman rights. Equality is something that I promote for all people,, nothing about anything I've ever said has been contradictory to that. I've been on other sub fourms for saying that TLR was full of woman haters. Defended women in all those threads that tried to basically talk sh1t about women. This debate is not about woman equality AT ALL.
Now we come to the core of this whole debate. This post is exemplary insofar as none of yall advocating this conspiracy can provide actual evidence linking women's rights/political equality/substantive feminism to any of the social ills you cite, or any of the wilder dystopian scenarios you fear. Your position is driven by emotion. At some point you're just going to have to come to terms with that.
If you can't understand the core of the debate or are to blind to see that there are media driven agendas.. then that's ok. some people just dont see things for what they are...
Like I said.. If you can't understand the core of the debate or are to blind to see that their are media driven agendas.. then that's ok. sad but OK
Like he said, your whole argument boils down to emotion, not logic, and you're continuing to prove it with each post. The irony.
debate isn't about woman rights. Equality is something that I promote for all people,, nothing about anything I've ever said has been contradictory to that. I've been on other sub fourms for saying that TLR was full of woman haters. Defended women in all those threads that tried to basically talk sh1t about women. This debate is not about woman equality AT ALL.
If you can't understand the core of the debate or are to blind to see that there are media driven agendas.. then that's ok. some people just dont see things for what they are. It's just like when I tell people I'm pro-black. Pro black isn't = white hate. White hate never achieved anything for black people. Just like anti emasculating agendas and anti-misrepresentation/ over representation of gayness in the media isn't ANTI woman.
Like I said.. If you can't understand the core of the debate or are to blind to see that their are media driven agendas.. then that's ok. sad but OK
lol, you all want soooo badly to say that if a man isn't in denial about the media that they either want to suck a d, or hate all women including their mothers. SMH, I seriously don't understand how you can be so blind. lol, u n1ggas are just plain foolish.
I don't think any normal dude wants to oppress woman in anyway. I recognize obvious truths, so I'm a insecure chauvinist, , really? I believe I'm one of the least insecure posters on here, and I've been doing all the cooking and cleaning around my house lately due to her being preoccupied with something serious. I also make the money. I also gave speeches regarding sexism in the military. Men/woman relationships are partnerships. It's never good when one side disrespects the other. It's not ok if Woman or if the media does it to men as a whole.
This is still conspiratorial, though. .