Damn I guess Imy lucky to never have experienced racism first hand

even with cops,and I was on probation for 6 years and never really felt any "extra" shyt,I mean maybe I did,but I personally don't consider it or I don't make myself a victim,Ivery had a lot of encounters with cops,I remember I used to own this nice ass Movado watch,yeah I'll admit it,I bumped into some Jewish kid that owed me money,and some how it ended up in my hand,at the time I was living at my grandma's house by USC,I still remember what I was wearing,I was wearing a Ronnie Lott raiders jersey,shout out to my rollin 20's blood homies

,gray Nike sweats,and gray suede Nike huaraches,so I did look like I be up to no good,well cops strolled by as I was a few houses down getting to my grandma's house after school,and they decided to stop me,me being on probation,I know as soon as they ask me if I'm on probation and I answer yes,all my rights go out the window,and of courise they ask me if Im on probation, and I say yes,immediately put me up against the wall and start searching me,ask me where I'm going,told them to my grandma's house right there,then they see the watch,and start telling me that's a nice watch,ask me how I got it,they even grip my wrist to inspect it better

,I told them it was a present for my b day,and they not buying it,and thank god my grandma comes out to her front yard and sees me,and starts running over to me,they still bugging me about watch,I tell my grandma in Spanish that I didn't do nothing wrong and that they think I stole watch,and I told them she bought it for me,so I tell the cacs to ask my grandma and they do,she says yes,they let me go,could I make a case that they were being racist cuz they see a young Mexican male in south central with a nice watch on and they were gonna take my shyt cuz they assumed I stole it? Yeah,but hey

I break the law every day,so I'll never be on some "fukk the cops,or fukk the system " cuz it would be hypocritical of me when I'm living how I am,only other time I can remember experiencing a former of racism was when I worked at LA and some country cac that asked me for help,when he was done asked me if I was Mexican,I answered yes,a d then he said something like "wow you don't speak with an accent" and walked away,I was like

,I can consider it racism,but more like ignorance seeing as how this country cac probably never came in contact with many mexicans,and if they did they were probably the ones that were fresh in the u.s. aND had heavy accents,besides that I've witnessed blacks being racist towards hispancs,and also Hispanics throwing around the word "******" like nothing around me,it always has me like

when they do,I'm quick to tell them

I don't get down with that