What is the most blatant case of racism that has happened in your life?

Dr. Acula

Hail Hydra
Jul 26, 2012
I have never experienced blatant racism but this got me laughing years later.

When i first moved to America, i didnt have a lot of friends and the few i had were white folks from work.

After work we would all go hang out in an all cac bar and have a coupla drinks and shyt.

On the weekends they would invite me out to (again mostly white bars/clubs to hang out).

I guess i was the nikka they felt comfortable around.

Now when i started making black friends outside of work and getting to know the city better, naturally i started hanging more in black clubs and bars.

I would then tell my cac pals at work "we need to check out this crazy joint i went to this last night"

They would all be like "ok i will meet u up at the spot tonite"

Naturally none of them bothered to show up at them mostly black bars/ clubs.

For the one or two dudes that did show up, it was real funny how uncomfortable they felt. They didnt usually last long though, always found an excuse to go somewhere else after one drink

And am like, but u expect me to be cool with being the only black face in your spot? eff that.:comeon:

Nowadays if it aint all black i dont even bother,

I was real innocent bout race when i first moved here, so there might have been others i missed.

:mjcry: In some ways, that ignorance is bliss. You just as a human being wanted your friends to come enjoy this spot with you because you haven't been poisoned by the racial issues in the U.S. yet and those boys gave you that wake up call. Happens to all of us breh.

Cabbage Patch

The Media scene in V is for Vendetta is the clue
Feb 11, 2014
The Last Frontier
While I was young and working at a fast food spot I saw a white guy walking out. He said "cya ******s" when he walked out.

He was lucky I was at work or else Id of went after his ass.

Was working with a group of mexicans and they said racist stuff in spanish when I was far from them about us black workers. They thought I didnt know and couldnt hear based on distance but I understood most of their talk.

Happens all the time. Then you confront them. Depending on their orneriness they may or may not stop code-switching to Spanish when you step into the room.

Chris Cool

Jun 22, 2014
So Cal
luckily i haven't had any major shyt, these are all i could think of.

I'm like 12 on a cruise, me and my older cousin were trying to catch am elevator, this old white dude and young black were in it. we're like "wait!" :damn: old white dude looks l like:merchant: and closes the door. young girl stopped it for us though.

like 15 or 16, me and my friends ate in rite aid like maybe 5 or 6 deep, all black. we in the candy aisle finna buy some shyt when all of a sudden we here "security check aisle 5" over the intercom. we all look up to see what aisle we're in and sure enough it's aisle 5.

I lived in the burbs and I'm walking down the street. across the street there is a park and the shyt is live, a bunch of people there. i keep walking, but i look across the street and see two bicycle cops riding towards me. next thing i know squad car pulls up and I'm surrounded by cops because apparently i was "walking like i was hiding something". so I'm getting patted down and searched, he gets to my pocket and feels a lump (no homo) and gets all excited ":gladbron: woohoo what do we have here? " ":skip: that's just my brush officer. " so they find nothing and I'm sitting on the curb waiting to leave in asks "can you make your hair into an afro? " i tell them no and they let me leave. when i told my mom what happened layer she was so pissed. those are the only experiences i can think of.


Payin Debts.... N40
May 29, 2012
Japan, but from the 989
Flying to LA from Detroit years ago and my little brother was sitting by the fire doors. He was 7 and this white lady (another passenger) wanted the seat because she said my brother wasn't old enough to open the doors in case of an emergency. So I switched seats. I was 12 at the time, she started cutting up. The stewardess said it was okay if I sat there but this chick couldn't let it go.."You people always get away with it". "They are probably drug dealers or killers" bytch really started trippin. My mom grabbed the lady by the arm and whispered something to her and she sat down and shut up... My mom told her that she was going to beat her ass if she didn't turn the fukk around and shut up. This wasn't my only crazy racist experience but the first that really shocked me. This bytch really lost her shyt because she couldn't get her way.
Feb 3, 2015
I can remember one.

In the summer me and my sister sometimes go to North Port in West Florida to see our cousins. One day me, my sister, my 2 little cousins and their mom go into Macy's to buy some clothes. I'm walking around bored as hell and I spot this CAC working there staring at me and my cousins. At first I wasn't too sure but then the more I walked around he followed us. I went to my little cousin's mom and told her what was going on. She said if he says anything to y'all I'm sbapp


May 20, 2013
I salute all people of colour that suffer prejudice for their ability to endure.
That's a major lesson in this thread: the sheer stress of dealing with racist f'ery daily,from the microaggressions to the outright hostility. I swear nobody else has it so bad. Its why I laugh when I hear how Cacs are constantly on meds to 'cope.' Or how Becky is on TV talmbout how strong she is saying no to her boyfriends controling/stifling and/or other ish.
Dah fuq!?


I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
I'm in McDonalds standing in line behind a white dude. The cashier was a Black chick. And she was all cheesy breezy with the white dude.

As soon as I stepped up, her smile had disappeared and a scowl with attitude showed up.

Ain't no thing to me because I knew what time it was.

But the white dude saw what happened. I looked at him and we both shook our heads.

This exact same thing happened to me just on Friday at the Post Office.

She's making all this small banter with the white dude who was in front of me, but when I came to her she's giving me one word answers and not even looking me in the face despite the fact that post office was so small.

I used to let shyt like that slide, but I'm gonna start embarassing these fools now when they only want to be friendly and professional for whites and other non blacks.....

Elle Driver

Aug 9, 2013
At the beginning of mean streets
Happened to me multiple times, because of my name (Hebrew first name, French/Spanish last names) where people ask me what my race is and when I tell them "black", they be like "you don't look black". I quickly check them on that.

But other incidents have been the opposite, where I've been treated worse because of my dark skin. I really didn't like the fact that my mother had put me into mostly white schools so I could get a better chance at going to a ivy league (which I did). But that shyt did a number on my psyche. I was always being challenged by my professors, I was in the biochem major, and often scored the highest and got the highest grades all while being the only black student. With my mostly white professors, I was always challenged about that, constantly looking to see if I cheated. I honestly would've quit had I not had one black professor who was always on my side. He pushed me so hard and always stood up for me. At the time, I was still grieving from losing my father 4 years prior, as well as my brother to the prison system and he was like a supplement father figure since I had absolutely no one. I worked really really hard to get out of it and graduated early. I'm thankful for that horrible time I went through because it really opened my eyes to white supremacy, it was in my face and I couldn't deny it. I'm reading the Destruction of Black Civilization right now and what I would've fukking given to be taught by the late Chancellor Williams. :wow:


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
This exact same thing happened to me just on Friday at the Post Office.

She's making all this small banter with the white dude who was in front of me, but when I came to her she's giving me one word answers and not even looking me in the face despite the fact that post office was so small.

I used to let shyt like that slide, but I'm gonna start embarassing these fools now when they only want to be friendly and professional for whites and other non blacks.....
Happened to me too.

Was at the gas station and white dude in front of me got the best service from this female c00n yet when I come up her attitude changes quick with her being rude and such and had me shaking my head at her obvious c00ning.
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I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
Happened to me multiple times, because of my name (Hebrew first name, French/Spanish last names) where people ask me what my race is and when I tell them "black", they be like "you don't look black". I quickly check them on that:wow:

:dahell: I remember your pic and I don't see how you can be confused for anything other than black. I swear people are so fukking dumb smh.