What is the meanest/shadiest thing that u have done to someone?


Rap Guerilla
May 1, 2012
The Chi (South Side)
lol that came later in the marriage. I guess ill tell that story now. I was like 20 and had a nice lil bank job in payroll. I was young and making nice money but I was also dumb as a box of rocks. my husband would only pick me up from work on paydays where I usually gave him a nice piece of my check. so one day im chilling working. my husband calls my extension which is funny cuz I gotta beeper for emergency calls. this b*stard proceeds to tell me he has a baby by anotha chick. I didnt know how to react cuz im like why would you tell me this at work. later I understood why. but anyway so I make it thru the day and all the way home im plotting. I get home he aint there so im just chilling thinking I smoked me some weed for the first time and just contemplated. nicca finally come home and im ready. mayne when I tell you this nicca got heated cuz I wasnt ready to forgive him. next thing I know he choking me in the kitchen, I grab the closest thing to me which was a knife and went to work. he laid out in the floor unconcious and I went and sat on the couch and smoked another blunt. my sis walked in the door saw my husband and was like wtf. she called 911 and when the police got there they asked me what happened I told em was fighting and he fell on the knife. but they was like he fell on the knife multiple times huh, I was like yea and they went on and arrested me. I had to take some domestic violence classes but he dropped the charges.



Sixers/Bulls Fan
May 2, 2012
New Jersey in a new jersey
This isn't my grimiest or meanest story but it's bad
Back when I was 20 my boys and and this one bul we was semi-cool with back in HS went to this club in Philly. This was back in like 2003 or so I think there was some beef between Philly and Trenton back then for whatever reason, which leads to the story. Alright so we leaving the club bul I said we was semi-cool with let's some random n*gga use his phone. We was looking at this n*gga like :what: get your phone back.
So my young bul (may he rest in peace) runs up to me like " YO J let's be out now"
I'm like :why: .........He goes " you don't see all them n*gga running down the street?"
Before I could turn around he was gone across the street haul assin' ......then I see at least 30 nikkas decending on dude we was semi cool with like the wilderbeest scene in lion king
All I see is a plaid shirt and a white tee tucked in his jeans go down in a blaze of n*ggas. They was stomping bul out crazy
screaming something about Trenton in this B*tch I turn around and my other homies is being chased down the street laughin'....... Man I jumped in my whipped grapped a crowbar and locked the door. My other homies ran in they whip and did the same, my big homie was leaned on the whip just looking. They was working bul out something serious. They left my big homie alone cause he originally from Trenton and recognized him. This one chick we came with was like ya'll really not gonna help and got out my homie wheel so she goes out hey leave him alone ...... one of them nikkas was like "SHUT UP B*tch"
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All Star
May 12, 2012
Was over a friends house, we were smoking and I asked her if I could smoke her dog out she said no. She took oxycodone and fell asleep so me and my homeboy smoke again only this time I get her dog high too. Me and my homeboy are playing call of duty when the dog starts running in circles and freaking the fukk out, he jumps out the window (the window was closed) and chases a cat into some woods. It was dark and I wasn't about that woods life so me and my homeboy leave while she's still sleep inside with a missing dog and window. The next morning she called me upset saying her dog is missing and she had a broken window and asked me if I knew what happened, I told her i left right after she went to sleep and didn't know shyt. Her dog came back the next day


OG Moma Coli....dat bytch Thowd!!!
Sep 7, 2012
Was over a friends house, we were smoking and I asked her if I could smoke her dog out she said no. She took oxycodone and fell asleep so me and my homeboy smoke again only this time I get her dog high too. Me and my homeboy are playing call of duty when the dog starts running in circles and freaking the fukk out, he jumps out the window (the window was closed) and chases a cat into some woods. It was dark and I wasn't about that woods life so me and my homeboy leave while she's still sleep inside with a missing dog and window. The next morning she called me upset saying her dog is missing and she had a broken window and asked me if I knew what happened, I told her i left right after she went to sleep and didn't know shyt. Her dog came back the next day


Jul 13, 2012
snitched on a girl who was taking drugs & got her kicked out of high school which basically ruined her chances of going to college and by proxy her life:smugfavre: i really hated that bytch at the time

Looking back on how my life turned out after that incident safe to say karma bit me in the ass :sadcam:


Rap Guerilla
May 1, 2012
The Chi (South Side)
Was over a friends house, we were smoking and I asked her if I could smoke her dog out she said no. She took oxycodone and fell asleep so me and my homeboy smoke again only this time I get her dog high too. Me and my homeboy are playing call of duty when the dog starts running in circles and freaking the fukk out, he jumps out the window (the window was closed) and chases a cat into some woods. It was dark and I wasn't about that woods life so me and my homeboy leave while she's still sleep inside with a missing dog and window. The next morning she called me upset saying her dog is missing and she had a broken window and asked me if I knew what happened, I told her i left right after she went to sleep and didn't know shyt. Her dog came back the next day


Lakers Offseason

May 21, 2012
these stories all happened with the same chick.

-broke my ex's iPhone one time by throwing it at the wall after an argument.
after that I felt bad, so I let her use one of my old iPhones until she got a new one. we broke up and I wanted my phone back so I pulled her sim card out and broke it in half and threw it in her car as she sped away crying. she was without a phone for a weekend.

-after a heated argument, she tried to drive away from me, so I got in my car and proceeded to follow her. she pulled over and I purposely smashed into the back of her car. got out and she was yelling at me about she's gonna call the police this n' that (she never did). got back in my car and rammed her again one good time before I backed up and drove around the block back to my house. I'm lucky cause it was on a busy street at rush hour, so there was tons of witnesses. 4 hours later she came back and I smashed. :laugh:

- I was in a bad mood cause my homie got fired from work and we was tight (we were all like family when we worked there together) so it was like losing him when he left. anyway she was nagging me about coming to some party at her dorm to meet her friends and hangout. so I basically couldn't take no more and flipped on her. we were at the barbershop and for some reason she was there with me that day, anyway I told her to come outside and yell at her while she sat in the car, I got in and drove to some random block (she wasn't familiar with the area and it was a town over from where I lived) and threw her out. made her wait there the whole time I got my haircut. had at least 3 or 4 people hmu telling me to go pick her up, including my older brother. (now that I think of it, this was the same day I smashed into her car).

- she was nagging me when were out one night so I got mad and instead of putting hands on here I kicked her car and left a huge dent on her driver side door.
looked at it like "oh well" :manny:

- her and her girlfriends went to some concert in NY and called me at like 12am while I was at the club with my homies.
I answer and she tells me that her and 2 of her girlfriends are at Penn Station in Newark and she needed a ride home cause her mom couldn't pick her up. (she left her car home cause they took the train to NY).
now driving there wasn't a problem cause I was in Newark already, matter of fact the station was only a couple blocks away. so I leave the club and go pick them up with my boy, and he's a fun-loving laid back dude that invites them to come to the club and hangout. (they would get right in, no questions asked cause that was one of the clubs we promoted regularly at, even tho they weren't 21).
she and her friend was down for it, but the other girl was a straight up bytch, talking about she tired and she just wants to go home.
so I drop my dude back off at the club and tell him I'll be back after I take the girl's home. the whole time I was purposely driving like a dikk. and they were freaking out, screaming and shyt. we get back to their town and with me still driving crazy they tell me to pull over.
her friends get out and start walking back to their house and she's in the car begging me to apologize to her friends, which was bullshyt cause her friend got in my car with an attitude to begin with. I got out opened the door, pulled her out and told her told her to walk her ass home. and left.

after that her friends started hating me and I ain't give a fukk cause she chose me over her BFF's.

I got more, but those are the main "scumbag" stories I got with her.

This might be you in the later years



King of Wakanda.
May 2, 2012
Firstly my stories are not as :demonic: as ya'll nikkas. :birdman:

-Around the summer of 2000 I had to go to summer school before I could get into the 6th grade and my dad would pick me up from school. One time he bought me a bag of Doritos (Nacho Cheese :banderas:) and around this time I had a habit of licking the salt off of chips and then putting them back into the bag for me to eat a few minutes later after I was done licking the salt off of all the chips. I was doing my usual licking routine when my dad asked for a chip and reached in the bag and grabbed one while I was like :mindblown: :whoa:. He bit into it and went: ewwww:huhldup:. He instantly gave me the :ufdup: look before getting mad and cussing me out lol. :to:

-Also a few years earlier my cousin's dad was dating and living with a woman who had a son around our age (he was alittle older) and we would go over there every weekend. One time my cousin's dad drove us to McDonalds (:takedat:) and was ordering from the drive through window while the woman's son was in the front seat while me and my cousin was in the back with a pack of Kraft cheese slices for the sandwiches and me and my cousin got the :lolbron: idea to open and lick the cheese slices and give it to the son. We watched him put the cheese on his sandwich and eat it while we :shaq::mjlol:

Willy Waffle

Willy Da Waffleman
May 1, 2012
1. I once knowingly sold a broken PS3 on craigslist for $200. The dude said it was for his brother's birthday. I blocked his number as soon as I sold it to him so I never knew what happened.

2. I broke in a dudes house and stole all his shyt because he owed me 2 or 3 bucks. I remember he was crying on the walk to school the next morning because all his shyt was gone and he didn't know who did it. I was just like man that's fukked up.

3. Some dude stopped me at a gas station trying to fix a chip in my windshield. I told him I didn't have time to stop but he just kept insisting on doing it for free. I sat there for like 2 minutes and was just like fukk it. I pulled off with his tool still stuck on my windshield and I could see him in the rear view mirror running after my car. I still have his tool out in my garage.

4. I got in a fight with my mom and I got so mad that I went outside and ripped our neighbors mailbox off their house. I just threw it in the trash after that.

5. During a dark time in my life, I broke in the church that my father went to. I knew where the motion detector was so I was careful not to go in that area. I tried to break in the safe but couldn't get in. After 3-4 hours, I just said fukk it and left. I think my father knew I did it because he used to always say that the church got broken into the same night I disappeared. He never directly asked me if I did it though.

6. During that same time in my life, I set up my boss to be robbed. We didn't know that my boss had a gun on him. One friend got shot in the shoulder and the other made it out. I was in the van the whole time so my boss never saw me. The police came to my school to question me about it and I told them I didn't know anything about it. They made all types of threats but I still didn't budge. The only reason they got caught was because the dude that got shot told his brother and his brother made him turn himself in. The messed up part is that both of my friends ended up getting a record because of that but they never snitched on me even though the whole plan was my idea.

7. Me and this same group of friends robbed my music teacher before this. Of course, I was the mastermind.

8. When I was in the military, there was a certain officer that I didn't like. When I had to clean his state room, I would rub my balls all over the lid of his coffee cup.

I have a couple more stories but I'm too embarrassed to tell since they involve poisoning and robbing family members.

now this is the cutthroat, ruthless, savage shyt im looking for in this thread.

:banderas: at number 2,6,7