There isn't any other way to interpret it
Literally what is the left wing version of this right wing mandate
The fukk is the point of all that grandstanding yapping.
This is a dumb ass fukking thread.
If a Democrats win in November qualified people who respect our laws more than some cult of the President will be placed at every agency of our government, pro-civil rights judges who will defend and expand our rights rather than enact a sweeping inhibition or abolishment of them will be appointed to our courts, our rights will also be expanded and defended in Congress, the government will act ethically and transparently for the people not, once again, some cult of the President, and there will be a peaceful transfer of power regardless of party in the following election.
If a Republican wins unqualified white-Christian nationalists will control our agencies and every level of our government, anti-civil rights Christian nationalist judges who worship Trump will be placed in our courts and will change our laws, the government will be completely corrupted to give Trump total power with immunity like a monarch, and there will not be a peaceful transfer of power.
Do you expect Democrats to match that by also promising to corrupt our government, essentially end our democracy, and abolish any checks and balances against the President's actions? What would be the opposite of banning porn, contraceptives, and African American studies? What would be the opposite of dismantling the Department of Education and DEI standards in our government and school systems? What would be the opposite of imposing a 30% sales tax on you and me in favor of massive tax cuts for the wealthy? Should liberals pick some religion to impose a nationalist movement on the you and I just so we can say they have their "own version of Project 2025?"
You already got the opposite of Project 2025. It's called freedom, democracy, and liberalism. Or the "status quo" if youre a pseudo intellectual coli dumbass.
I don't want EITHER side, not even my own, acting as dictators and corrupting every level of our government with lieing sycophants to the President with no regard for democratic process, the people of this cointry, or even the law.
Yall look for every excuse to blame Democrats for everything that pisses you off to justify your childish resistance of "having to vote" for them.
We don't need a "Democrat version of Project 2025" we need Donald Trump and his white-Christian nationalist movement to get the fukk out of here.