So like all both siders you ready for bloody revolution and protest against "the Democrats" because of a gaffe quote. But Republicans can deny our children student loan debt relief--completely on the basis that it advantages black people according to the conservative activists who brought it to the Supreme court--and eradicate affirmative action by law and your black militant role play can't even muster up the least bit of energy for THAT? You still more concerned about a damn quote like it's height of your fake militant cause?
Yall hate when you get called out as right wing trolls and Republicans masquerading as militants critical of both sides. But your selective outrage couldn't be more obvious what time you on. You don't hate both sides for the sake of black power. You just another useless bytch c00nservative partisan hack.
Black people vote Democrat for policy. Both to gain it and to protect it. And yes we are damn scared of what these yee haw conservatives will do when in power. You have the gall to talk about "yall only vote Democrat cus your blind sheep scared of what Republicans will do" just as they railroaded through black rights in this country just a week ago.
And you Republic00n trolls want to direct our anger to some meaningless gaffe that had no effect on my life or the life of black people as a whole?
You still running on outdated 2017 Yvette Carnell Tariq Nasheed fake militant talking points, being the "independent thinker" you are. That we have "nothing to lose" to stop voting Democrat and any notion that pur legal rights will be taken is just "fearmongering to force us to be Democrats." We need our "racism out in the open." Well now affirmative action is banned by law across the country and we not getting our kids student debt relief. A black child in 2023 has less rights, opportunity and protection than when we were born. We have A LOT to lose when we do not vote. Good job YouTube and net militants.
Please shut up. The only people who want to confuse and misdirect black people for their own selfish agendas is you. Pulling up bullshyt quotes when a right wing court just made it crystal clear they can and will bring us back to the 1930s overnight. You kmow what youre doing. Stop pretending its about black people. You're an overcompensating phony revolutionary who weaponizes black power language to defend Republicans, spread right wing propaganda, and insult anyone who interferes with that, clearly. Yall black conservatives are damn useless c00ns who think insulting the intelligence of black people simply for preferring the liberal party that's been on the right side of history since forever (name one celebrated conservative movement in America history) makes them dumb sheep who are blindly voting.
Voting Democrat is not a betrayal of black power causes. No matter how much yall want to fool people into believing that for your own causes. And no one is doing it blindly. Black people are not stupid and you c00nservative trolls ain't smart or clever with your dumb ass Tariq Nasheed/Fox News talking points from 2016. Yall trolls are shyt.