The subject is why every major Igbo group, Politician and grassroots organization is against Biafra? Your main rebuttal is "they don't need 100% support"

Where did I say 100% support is required? If we even use percentages Biafra doesn't have even 50% support among your own people. If they did, a referendum would already be on the table. The creation Eritrea & South Sudan had much more support for separation than Biafra does. No major S-Sudanese/Eritrean leader or organization adovated against separation like what is happening with the Igbos. Come on brotha, unless Igbos are ready for another war, referendum is NOT happening.
Sorry for the delay and ignore spelling mistakes(boat party...didn't know you responded.) Let's begin again
Two things first of all I said a referendum was required to prove who wants to stay or leave. I'm always amused when you tell me this political leader is not in support and i specified we don't do hero worship in our region. Each man has the right to vote his conscience and decide where he wants to go. I still don't get why the country is desperate for our presence.
The fact that the referendum isn't happening should tell you why the country is a failed state. It's like asking me why the police shoots civilians for 2 dollars (literally)
You mentioned ohaneze?
Let’s use Biafra to get our rights - Ohaneze - Vanguard News
Again we don't need 100%, a majority is all that is required
Commercial activities or not I'm glad you finally acknowledged that Igboland is a dirty polluted region seeing that 3 of it's largest cities are filthy. Your leadership has work to do.
I never said filthy. I clearly read the whole articles and it's the industrial areas which are polluted. It clearly stated due to commercial activities. This is similar to the problems in China currently. The entire country has no environmental plan and if you're from ogoni as you claim, yours is polluted with more dire consequences to flora and fauna. This is exactly why I didn't believe you're ogoni
You are INCORRECT to claim that only Rivers state, because of Oil derivation is the only state that can do federal roads.
Oyo state
FG set to pay debts owed states on federal road projects - BusinessDay : News you can trust
Funny new article. Please read the following
Lagos most indebted Nigerian state, has N311b debt stock
Osun started building road and they couldnt finish as they took debts they couldn't repay since 2016
ZERO ALLOCATION: Debt ravaged Osun, other states receive nothing from FG
Which money to build what?
Akwa Ibom Govt Seeks Refund Of Money Spent On Federal Roads - SundiataPost
Highest allocation in the entire country. One of the lowest population.
Yes, the funding structure is messed up. We're not disputing that so STOP DEFLECTING. For you to highlight that instead of explaining why most of your governors can't fix the roads like their counterparts in other regions simply amounts to you coppin pleas and affirms my point that historically, Igbos don't have effective leadership in government.
I told you before to read the articles you send me as well as my sources. I'll take the UN over you. Effective leadership led to the following with the lowest revenue allocation and federal budget allocation:
Highest level of education in the country
Safety from chronic threats of hunger and illness
2 of our states carry (along with lagos, fct, rivers) carry 90% of all cash transactions in the country.
This means effective leadership regardless of no support from the federal govt. was able to galvanize the business community and secure the states better than others.
Who's the effect leaders other than us? Lagos that has the benefit of having majority of the federal budget on infrastructure? Who else ?
If you were on ground you'd counter my point easily what is happening in Enugu with respect to roads, but till now you haven't, which means your not informed therefore your not ready to go toe to toe with someone on the frontlines.
No offense but you don't make sense.
I've been around the country more times than you have.
I've been around more African countries than you have .
I've been around more countries world wide than you have.
I am on the front line more than you.
Ps: your own people will know me more than you
The roads? Please put your statement in a proper context and I'll reply
Oh and I'm glad my more recent video made you finally agree with my point on the self inflicted pollution in your region.
Never denied pollution. And yes commercial activity is self inflicted which apparently made us wealthier than you are seeing we hold majority of investments within the what again?
Now you've claimed that FUNDING is the reason Igboland is dirty and polluted???The loan aside since that is NOT the only revenue stream they receive, what exactly have your leaders been doing with their federally allocated funds? Definitely not building roads, schools or keeping the place clean. What are they doing in terms of creating avenues of Internally generated revenue which is NOT taxed by the FG?
You do know that all states have poor tax collection mechanisms right ? Lagos has more than 31 states combined.
There's only 1 state in your region with a notable IGR, ENUGU. But 2 States in Igboland have some of the lowest IGR in the country, Ebonyi and Imo.
Nothing to do with business but yes horrible tax collection mechanism. 60% of the gdp for those states are seen as in the informal economy
As I just told you, states already have the ability to generate revenue internally without interference from the FG. 2 of your states are terrible at doing this, the other 2 states are neither here or there and only 1 state can get the job done. So how do you expect myopic leaders to run a country when they can't even run a state? Please explain...
And the entire states of the federation are at which position. Please paste the following for more context
Economic viable states
Debt level and sustainability by state
You keep harping on security in your region being good. And that is something I've never disputed. All I'm saying is as it stands now, Igboland is in a mess. You have told us it's leaders are good businessmen and are well educated, but as it stands NOW, that has not translated into a clean environment,
3 cities not the entire igboland.
it has not given you good roads and you can't even explain why that is aside from trying to lay 100% of the blame on the federal structure. Your people aren't doing themselves any favors.
Lets assume using the current federal system and pretend that 80%+ is used for recurrent expenditure and the rest for infrastructure. If you study the budget, it'll clearly show the federal government puts only your region and the northern region in its infrastructure bill, what does that tell you?
It means you have more cash allocated to you for the following.
Payment of salaries which you still don't do. (Please check my previous links on salary payment)
Infrastructure which increases gdp and internal revenue.(I don't have the ratio)
If you have all these advantages and you still (according to the un) can't make a better life for your own people compared to us, then don't we have a serious problem? Why are we In spite of having low allocation being able to manage it better than you
Is it perhaps because we are self made? Perhaps we don't wait for handouts but reduce poverty by constantly educating and keeping ourselves healthy according to the UN
If we have all these problems as you so eloquently put it, shouldn't you want to get rid of those problems? Isn't it embarrassing to you that the federal government is desperate to hold on to us and yet they could discard of oil rich bakassi sooo easily ?
Also, I wasn't trying to personally insult you, just cracking jokes. But the Biafran passport fraud really goes to show that some your people are more interested in trying to profit off the cause than they are for the actual cause. If you get Biafra(which you won't) passports will be required but it's sinister and deception to the highest order for Igbos to con other Igbos into thinking they were real.
Weird that you're talking to me about it seeing I didn't see a case or read the article elsewhere. But again in the Nigeria system, our citizens are currently living better than you. We only want more for ourselves s why the smiley? I'm sincerely confused here
Also you didn't tell me when the last time you came to Nigeria was or where your from. I did, why not reciprocate?? If you were a student of Nigerian history you wouldn't even ask what my people the Ogoni have done for the sake of equity and justice in Nigeria. Our leaders fought non violently to make our voices heard and paid the ultimate price.
Awka and please let me know when you are going to ogoni... I'll bookmark this thread so we can both take pics..then we can meet the elders that I'll introduce you to... I personally don't believe that you are but I can't prove either way so I'll let it slide
As for ogoni fight, I've not disagreed about the non violent fight or its history.
The cleanup of your land if you are ogoni will take 30 years. Weird how the aburi accords would have solved all our issues.
For Ken saro wiwa personally, betrayed biafra, enriched himself with our abandoned properties and thought the north gave a damn about him. His northern friends hung him. He apologized to ojukwu before the end.
His headquarters btw was the house of an igbo chief obi.
Please read the article below and see the history behind the word "good morning" you must see igbos use that a lot during conversations about Nigeria
Ojukwu Was Right