What Happened to the South?

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Because the secrets and the way of living that big momma and pop pop bestowed on some of us
Became look down upon by us
This very forum is filled with nikkas only preaching STEM and other white collared jobs
Calling people from the south bamas
Then you go outside and hear the same rhetoric
For every Doctor, Lawyer, Geek nikka on a computer
We need people on construction, farming, mechanics
How you going to have a society when everybody is behind a desk
Then complain when having to depend on others to fix our shyt or give us service
We bought into the bullshyt and became short sided
Nations need people with multiple skills
Most of this board would be food tomorrow if shyt really hit the fan
How many know how to fix your own car
How many know how to patch up injuries
How many know the signs of fresh water
How to hunt and shoot rifles
Curate soil and till it
Look for fresh fruits that aren’t poisonous
Skin fish and other woodland creatures
These luxuries ain’t going to last forever and when shyt hits the fan


Just.....damn. The Coli hates blue collar work more than they skin tone.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
What happened is New Yorkers came to the south expecting to be treated like royalty and that aura wore off quickly...gotta put in work like everybody else.

To be fair alot of natives in the south also blew their chance by being complacent. They were cool with a $12 an hour job and a $400 apartment, never wanted to buy a home. Now the job market is fierce and homes aren't any more affordable in comparison to the median income in these cities.

Now I see people trying to push the Rust Belt/Midwest cities as the new wave that white people are coincidentally moving to like Madison WI.

Just like Langston, the person who is in that video missed out. He's been in NC/Charlotte going on a decade and renting the entire time. I remember him talking trash about Charlotte 2 years ago saying New Yorkers ruined the city. Sir, you are from New York and refused to work a W2 job long enough to qualify to buy a home loan
He tried to plan a move to Florida (like all people who can't make it in Charlotte/ATL) but quickly shot that down once realizing the cost of living in comparison to quality of life is even worse there.

/thread. People of pre pandemic era were just focused on entertainment and quick money over buying property and investing when it was way, way cheaper.


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
This made me think of something else...

The three most important cities in the US are all non-southern, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago. And really the five most important cities, as we no longer really consider DC southern (still has some light southern vibes though), and San Francisco...

So the five most relevant US cities will continue to dictate American culture, politics, and money for a long time. Non-southern places still have their place...

But after that, there's a free-for-all of relevant US cities and many are in the South, and this matters because when we mention the best American cities for black people, most of those places ARE in the South. Raleigh, Charlotte, Virginia Beach, Nashville, Atlanta, Orlando, Houston, Dallas, are all commonly mentioned as best cities for black people...

So when this guy in OP is asking "what happened to the South", if anything the answer is it's become the most desirable region of the country to most Americans and most black people. With that attraction its drawing in people from across the world and all walks of life, so no, it's not gonna be the South he remembers when he was 8, 16, or in his college years...