What do you think is the most influential movie of the 90's?


Chances make champions
Sep 27, 2012
206 x 734
from this thread I want to say the best answers are in order
  1. Toy Story; this is actually a better answer than my original suggestion, imo it is the answer
  2. Saving private ryan
  3. Pulp Fiction
  4. The Matrix
  5. BLADE - this was the first comic movie in years to take itself serious is and the blueprint for all that followed in terms of adapting a comic charactortype and world into modern society...


Chances make champions
Sep 27, 2012
206 x 734
Easily "The Matrix" and its not even close. how is there even an argument?


Toy Story

it changed animation forever with digital animation, leading to every movie studio to create a division to produce content

you hardly see any hand drawn works any longer,and it proved to be cheaper which is why you see so many foreign produced computer films today especially out of India

Saving private ryan.

I was actually gonna say pulp fiction, the matrix, or goodfellas (it is the prototype forthe modern mafia genre), but saving private ryan reintroduced the gritty, realistic war movie to film after others strayed away from showing the horrors of war from that perspective. It isnt charactor driven like apocalypse now, or full metal jacket....its about the WAR and its effects.

thats how
Jun 11, 2013
Birmingham, Alabama
nikka rappers ain't talking about Toy Story or Saving Private Ryan. And while digital animation is a big deal, it only ushered in the age. Its not like ever story is derivative of Toy Story. The Matriv on the other hand.


EW Looks Back
'The Matrix': A Groundbreaking Cyberthriller
12 years ago this week, action movies got a futuristic makeover
By Adam B. Vary on Apr 01, 2011
Share this article
  • The groundbreaking cyberthriller debuted 12 years ago this week, and gave action movies a futuristic makeover

    When The Matrix first flying-side-kicked its way into movie theaters on March 31, 1999, it was far from a surefire hit. The film's writer-directors, Andy and Larry Wachowski, had previously directed only the stylish (and little-seen) sapphic thriller Bound. Similarly themed cyberspace flicks like Johnny Mnemonic and Strange Days hadn't exactly lit up the box office. And The Matrix's leading man, Keanu Reeves, had squandered much of his Speed-given stardom with a series of quixotic film choices (see: Johnny Mnemonic).

    But once audiences feasted on the Wachowskis' tantalizing confection of hacker/S&M punk, Eastern spirituality, Joseph Campbell mythmaking, and high-wire kung fu — not to mention some wowza, never-seen-that-before visual effects — The Matrix ushered in a watershed movie moment. It raked in $464 million worldwide and quickly became one of the best-selling DVDs in the then-fledgling format's history. But in more than sheer numbers, the movie seemed to mean something, to signify that gutsy 21st-century popular filmmaking, hardwired as much into your brain as your adrenal glands, had arrived with a vengeance. It was the first film cited in ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY's cover story proclaiming 1999 ''The Year That Changed Movies.'' In 2003, EW put it even more plainly: ''The Matrix is the most influential action movie of its generation.''

    Aaaand then the sequels came out. While The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions were financial successes, they have become widely derided as distended shadows of the first film. More to the point, they effectively took the wind out of the original's cultural sails. Black-clad ascetic cyberheroes have since been displaced by deep-feeling superheroes (and the occasional boy wizard), and those pioneering ''bullet time'' visual effects were widely parodied but rarely sincerely adopted. Hollywood has recently rediscovered its Matrix mojo (see sidebar), taking sci-fi seriously as pop art — but nothing with the same zeitgeisty bite. Like its singular hero, The Matrix now stands proud as a virtuosic anomaly.

    Agent of Change
    The Matrix's influence on films endures

    Charlie's Angels (2000)
    Stars Lucy Liu, Cameron Diaz, and Drew Barrymore strapped on wire harnesses for all their kung fu ass kicking.

    Night Watch (2004)
    This very Matrix-y Russian megahit was directed by Timur Bekmambetov, who later made the vaguely Matrix-y Wanted.

    Inception (2010)
    A team of sharply dressed rogues enters a wildly malleable alternate reality by ''wiring in.'' Sounds familiar.

    Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010)
    Edgar Wright's gonzo gamer action comedy feels like The Matrix's tween cousin (and that's a good thing).

    TRON: Legacy (2010)
    The original TRON paved the way for The Matrix, which inspired Disney to make its own Matrix with a TRON sequel. Whoa.


Chances make champions
Sep 27, 2012
206 x 734
nikka rappers ain't talking about Toy Story or Saving Private Ryan. And while digital animation is a big deal, it only ushered in the age. Its not like ever story is derivative of Toy Story. The Matriv on the other hand.


EW Looks Back
'The Matrix': A Groundbreaking Cyberthriller
12 years ago this week, action movies got a futuristic makeover
By Adam B. Vary on Apr 01, 2011
Share this article
  • The groundbreaking cyberthriller debuted 12 years ago this week, and gave action movies a futuristic makeover

    When The Matrix first flying-side-kicked its way into movie theaters on March 31, 1999, it was far from a surefire hit. The film's writer-directors, Andy and Larry Wachowski, had previously directed only the stylish (and little-seen) sapphic thriller Bound. Similarly themed cyberspace flicks like Johnny Mnemonic and Strange Days hadn't exactly lit up the box office. And The Matrix's leading man, Keanu Reeves, had squandered much of his Speed-given stardom with a series of quixotic film choices (see: Johnny Mnemonic).

    But once audiences feasted on the Wachowskis' tantalizing confection of hacker/S&M punk, Eastern spirituality, Joseph Campbell mythmaking, and high-wire kung fu — not to mention some wowza, never-seen-that-before visual effects — The Matrix ushered in a watershed movie moment. It raked in $464 million worldwide and quickly became one of the best-selling DVDs in the then-fledgling format's history. But in more than sheer numbers, the movie seemed to mean something, to signify that gutsy 21st-century popular filmmaking, hardwired as much into your brain as your adrenal glands, had arrived with a vengeance. It was the first film cited in ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY's cover story proclaiming 1999 ''The Year That Changed Movies.'' In 2003, EW put it even more plainly: ''The Matrix is the most influential action movie of its generation.''

    Aaaand then the sequels came out. While The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions were financial successes, they have become widely derided as distended shadows of the first film. More to the point, they effectively took the wind out of the original's cultural sails. Black-clad ascetic cyberheroes have since been displaced by deep-feeling superheroes (and the occasional boy wizard), and those pioneering ''bullet time'' visual effects were widely parodied but rarely sincerely adopted. Hollywood has recently rediscovered its Matrix mojo (see sidebar), taking sci-fi seriously as pop art — but nothing with the same zeitgeisty bite. Like its singular hero, The Matrix now stands proud as a virtuosic anomaly.

    Agent of Change
    The Matrix's influence on films endures

    Charlie's Angels (2000)
    Stars Lucy Liu, Cameron Diaz, and Drew Barrymore strapped on wire harnesses for all their kung fu ass kicking.

    Night Watch (2004)
    This very Matrix-y Russian megahit was directed by Timur Bekmambetov, who later made the vaguely Matrix-y Wanted.

    Inception (2010)
    A team of sharply dressed rogues enters a wildly malleable alternate reality by ''wiring in.'' Sounds familiar.

    Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010)
    Edgar Wright's gonzo gamer action comedy feels like The Matrix's tween cousin (and that's a good thing).

    TRON: Legacy (2010)
    The original TRON paved the way for The Matrix, which inspired Disney to make its own Matrix with a TRON sequel. Whoa.
Blade came out a year before it and had the same style...and citing "tron legacy" and Charlies fukking angels as its influencers is beyond flimsy. Toy Story is unquestionably more influential than the matrix.
Jun 11, 2013
Birmingham, Alabama
Blade came out a year before it and had the same style...and citing "tron legacy" and Charlies fukking angels as its influencers is beyond flimsy. Toy Story is unquestionably more influential than the matrix.

So because it was the first big digital animated film is more influential than the matrix lol.

If you think Blade had the same "STYLE" as the Matrix then we watched 2 different films.

And the influence on "Pop Culture" isn't even in the same stratosphere. fukk is you talking about fam.


Copycats, Clones, etc.

Toy Story ain't do none of that.
Jun 11, 2013
Birmingham, Alabama
among other factors...yes.



Jun 13, 2013
The H
It has to be Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction. Tarantino became the poster child for Generation X directors. His first movie turned the industry upside down, and then he came back with a superior film, using the same methods.