Here Comes the Pain
I thought the movie was good, but not a classic like it's predecessor tdk.

Nah. Your opinion is your opinion but I find it difficult to believe most people would consider TDKR to be on the same level as Iron Man 2, 3, Avengers 2, etc.
Bane alone > those movies
Also guys off topic, but I really didn't want to make another thread for this. I saw Interstellar for 10 bucks and grabbed it. It's the only Nolan movie in recent time I've yet to see, and I love all the other ones I've watched. Coming from someone who loved Prestige, Inception, and TDKT, do you think I'll like this movie?
That one is enough to sink the movie. A decent chunk of events are hinged on Bruce being broke.
Let's not even get into what constitutes a plot hole. A bunch of stuff in the movie flat out makes no sense.
The character does what he does because he saw his parents gunned down. Dude giving up because a girl he had a crush on died is against everything the character stands for. You ain't even gotta be a comic book fan to know that.
Hell, while I'm on the subject of Batman, him admitting his secret identity to Blake, a complete stranger, was a top 5 WOAT comic book movie scene.
Bruce, a world famous billionaire faking his death then showing up in broad day light in public likewas awful too.
Another obvious one is the bat symbol on the bridge when he came back to Gotham. No, "he did it before just in case" doesn't make any sense, he took 8 years off.
The entire police force gets trapped underground. That's some 80's cartoon shyt.
Bane's death.
The broken back/rope thing. I'll even completely ignore that one.
I don't expect to make any headway with this discussion because people are just going to hand wave away any criticism with "prep time!", when they actually showed Batman preparing in the first two movies.
So's an aggressively bad movie. The fact that it's directed by Nolan, and follows "The Dark Knight" is one of the mostthings in movie history.
The way Talia died was the worst death acting scene ever.
Bane thru that nikka in a whole after giving him that prime tyson ass whoopin then this nikka bruce somehow gets the nutrition rehab and supplements coupled with a push up routine to climb out the hole.
Sneaks back into the city after figuring out where in the world he was in the 1st place and rescues a police force to be his army that should be flabby n sick from not eating for how many days but its based on realism. He should've introduce Supes in this shyt to be more plausible
This may sound like hyperbole but TDKR was Green Lantern levels of bad imo.shyt was pure garbage.
Batman using his bat-skills to snatch a dude in another country
Terrorists ruining Bruce Wayne's company by attacking the stock exchange in person and trading in Bruce's name
Let me repeat: Terrorists stormed the stock exchange, trading was never postponed, and a clearly fraudulent transaction was allowed to take place in an attempt to bankrupt the most powerful company in the city