This is an unserious response. Rightward racial attitudes are intrinsically anti-black. Thats not up for debate really. The modern GOP occupies that collective psyche, which is why the GOP as a political brand stimulates racial resentment, and acts on that anxiety in the form of policy making and rhetoric. These arent generalizations...this is a reality.
Your characterization of black voters (oddly you unnecessarily include the phrase "if they do vote") as slaves, and non-thinkers who blindly follow as a framework and explanation for why black voters reject the GOP, is an indication that you open to accommodating the fig leafs of racial supremacy thought.
Are we really going to act as if the various racial categorizations of voting patterns is all one big happenstance? Do we believe that black people are too dumb in understand the razor-thin abstractions that channel anti-black messaging, and that black people simply cracked the racist code of GOP language by mistake? In other words, the GOP is not explicitly the party for white people?
NO- not all black people (specifically) are slaves to the vote. Most Americans in general are- BUT I really just care about the black american ones --- because ,Im black and
because our voting block might be the most taken for granted in the history of the democratic world ..
I agree that most of the GOP politicians are racist.. but I also Know that most politicians in general could care less about the welfare of black people or black issues. At the same time, I'm speaking on certain conservative ideas not the GOP.
Due to the fact that we have a 2 party system... if we have ideas that might deviate from the White liberals our voice is literally Not heard-- and therefore we do not have representation in this nation.
Look at all the policies on economy, drugs, prison, urban development, education.... clearly we are barely even citizens. We are only citizens so that we can be held accountable for laws-- and so that we can serve in the armed forces.
I remember when I heard this dude at my college give a speech and he quoted M X. I was sitting w my mouth open after he said this because at the time I worked for all the liberal groups, campaigned for all the liberal causes... EVEN gay rights, believe it or not- because I felt that the overall liberal agenda was the best way because it was 'progressive' .
The white liberal differs from the white conservative only in one way. The liberal is more deceitful than the conservative. The liberal is more hypocritical than the conservative. Both want power, but the white liberal is the one who has perfected the art of posing as the Negro’s friend and benefactor
I say if our vote isn't heard.... then we should vote 99% for a 3rd party. Some say that's a waste of vote.. but the last 40 years obviously shows that we have wasted votes for the most part. That way we can 1) have parties try to EARN our vote 2) get into the mindset of do for self. It's just like black people and religion... leaning on some supernatural force for Earth issues... stupid. We lean on gov (maybe not u specifically, but in general) to fix our education, community, etc... stupid.
My point is that many black conservatives have great , PROductive ideas,... we ignore those because they also associate with fukkkery and cac. We shouldn't even care about their association with the GOP because we shouldn't even play into the 2 party system anyway-- because that isn't helping our progress.