I appreciate you coming with a detailed response.
Let's break it down.
6's characters imo is the weakest part of the game. You have a roster of close to 20 something characters and only 2 are worth mentioning (Terra & Celes). It has one the most filler rosters you'll find in an Rpg. Who's your favorite character? Shadow the ninja? Cant have a rpg without your generic ninja. The 8 year old painter girl? Definitely necessary to stop big bad Kafka. Maybe Mog? Who doesnt love a playable mascot? I almost forgot the best character Yeti. For those who've never played 6 Yeti is just that a Yeti. No ties to the story no real motivation just a Yeti. Just things thrown in to be thrown in.
I agree the whole fusion of magic and technology conflict was dope. Cant argue that but to your next point it was not the first to focus on summons/espers. You show that by bringing up Rydia. You cant bring her up then exclude her like that. The whole summons plotline was an important piece of the story in 4. The game was literally set in motion because of the summoner village. Not to mention it was key to her character development (Which 6 lacks a great deal of).
Kafka is one of the worst FF villains. At no point in the game did knock off joker feel menacing,threating or even remotely villainous. He came across as comic relief which Urtos did a better job of. With Seymore for example you felt uneasy. He was menacing from the time you first encountered him. From his dialog to his design to his motivation you knew he was evil as shyt. Not to mention the scene where he whispers to Yuna and she gasps and everyone looks at her. And he walks off just smiling. Or when you find out that his aeon is actually his moms and he just laughs and said it was necessary. That's a villain.
Even though I believe the character roster is ass I will absolutely agree with you that they all did play different from each other and there were alot of different gameplay mechanics introduced. And split world was cool. 6 isn't a bad game it's just not the upper echelon of Final Fantasy.
I wrote this before I seen yo response
@Khalil's_Black_Excellence but that go for you to king.
Rell Shyt