Mind War...

Not a bad episode.
So here's the thing about Babylon 5 Season 1.
You'll notice every episode has 2 plots, the main and then the subplot. Every episode is basically filler, with a few very notable exceptions (
Sky Full of Stars,
Signs and Portents,
Voice in the Wilderness,
Babylon Squared, Chrysalis are all considered "arc" episodes). Each episode is mostly designed to give you a piece of information that will be built upon later. In Mind War, you're supposed to assimilate 2 things:
- Psi-Corps exists and is a corrupt organization that monitors Telepaths.
- "There are beings in the universe billions of years older than either of our races. They are vast, timeless, and if they are aware of us at all, it is as little more than ants, and we have as much chance of communicating with them as an ant does with us. We know; we've tried. And we've learned that we can either stay out from underfoot, or be stepped on. Whatever they are Ms. Sakai they walk near Sigma 9-5-7, and they must walk there alone." You will hear this in various forms throughout the series. I typed that from memory.
Season 5 is better than Season 1, but they really blew their load in Season 4 since they thought the show was going to be cancelled, so S5 falls off in quality from the previous 3 seasons.
If you couldn't tell, I fukking LOVE Babylon 5.
Edit: In Season 1, skip the episodes named
TKO and
Grail. I don't think I've ever watched either of them to completion. All you need to know from those two episodes is:
- Babylon and Babylon 2 were sabotaged. Babylon 3 blew up before it was finished. Babylon 4 vanished without a trace in front of witnesses 24 hours after going online. Babylon 5 wasn't going to be built until the Minbari pledged financial support for creation of the station.
- Ivanova's brother Ganya was killed in the Earth-Minbari war a year after her mother committed suicide. This is why she wears one earring, she gave him the other one before he went out on patrol and died.