What are some truths/patterns you’ve learned about people throughout your life?


The black man is always targeted.
Apr 8, 2017
I’ll go first:

-Money in times of desperation will make people do crazy, evil things

-In major cities, most people are on autopilot mode and could give less of a fukk about the next human being. Akin to a state of hypnosis.

-Most people have survivorship bias. Most people aren’t making it. And those who have already won were destined to win from their earliest moments. And of those who do manage to defeat the odds, it was luck that chose them.

-Most people could give less of a fukk about the losing team so long as they’re winning.

-Women are attracted to feeling over looks. While they may get you in the door, the feeling is what really keeps relationships alive. Once that flame goes, there’s no turning back :wow:


Jul 25, 2018
Most adults are just grown children

This is facts. I believe most people develop their personalities, worldviews, beliefs, and overall behavioral patterns by the time their like 17 maybe 16, mostly based on the relationship and behaviors of their (possibly equally immature) parents. From there they are who they are, they function how they function, they behave how they behave, they mostly believe what they want to believe, and nothing except a conscious choice to seek behavioral therapy and put in the work will "change" them

Sex Luthor

I'm like kryptonite to these thots
Feb 20, 2017
Everybody is really out for self. At the end of the day it's all about self preservation and comfort

People are terrible. Every human being that ever lived is terrible. We lie about what we believe in, will sacrifice someone if it came down to them or me, we hoard shyt, we don't give a fukk about shyt if it means making us uncomfortable and after all that we still crave approval from other humans.


Jul 25, 2018
Your parents did not "sacrifice" for you. They were not selfless demi-Gods who you forever owe for their "hard work" and "sacrifice" in raising you. And if your parents are the types to constantly repeat this, know you were raised by a set of selfish miserable a$$holes with crippled, fragile self esteem issues themselves who had no idea how to truly be parents and raise you and you were robbed of your life, true potential, and full self-esteem.

Your parents are just two people who fukked, had you, and you lived with them until you could live on your own. Thats it.

I wish more young black folks would understand this and reclaim themselves and their mental health from toxic parenting but we are so steeped in this "muh ancestors" elders-are-above-criticism, "strong black mother" bullshyt tropes in our culture. Instead we internalize this and really believe that being demeaned as kids and demeaning our own children is not just perfectly fine but that its an essential part of disciplining a child into adulthood.

Your parents were not "strong black people" for talking down to you or treating you like a burden and a sacrifice.

I know some "parents" who would go buy a fukking DOG and give that dog the damn world let alone food shelter and water with nothing but love and compassion for this pet in their mind. But then will turn to their own fukking kids and treat them like a burden that they are making "sacrifices" for. And then will spend their whole miserable lives guilt tripping their children for being alive.

Having a child and a family is a God blessed PRIVILEGE not a sacrifice.

If your parents do this shyt stop praising them all the time and tell them to finally fukk off. You were not a "sacrifice" and you don't deserve to be treated like one by the people that chose to bring you here.

And if you are a parent and you do this shyt to your kids, demanding constant acknowledgment and praise for your "work" and "sacrifices" PLEASE STOP THIS shyt. Please stop telling your kids they are a sacrifice. Stop fukking their heads up and fukking up their still budding self esteem because youre too insecure to just be a fukking parent and keep it moving. Stop it.
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May 18, 2012
Most adults are just grown children
Only control what you can control.
Live in the moment

People do not think you are as important as you think you are to them.

Bro Code does not exist.

Nobody owes you a single thing.

Overthinking will be the death of you/live life in the moment.

Literally, EVERYONE is hypocrites.

that part...


May 18, 2012
Your parents did not "sacrifice" for you. They were not selfless demi-God that you forever owe for their "hard work" and "sacrifice." And if your parents are the types to constantly repeat this, know you were raised by a set of selfish a$$holes with crippled, fragile self esteem issues themselves and you were robbed of your life, true potential, and full self-esteem by miserable people who had no idea how to fully be parents and raise you.

Your parents are two people who fukked, had you, and you lived with them until you could live on your own. Thats it.

I wish more young black folks would understand this and reclaim themselves and their mental health from toxic parenting but we are so steeped in this "muh ancestors" elders-are-above-criticism, "strong black mother" bullshyt tropes in our culture. Instead we internalize this and really believe that being demeaned as kids and demeaning our own children is not just perfectly fine but that its an essential part of disciplining a child into adulthood.

Your parents were not "strong black people" for talking down to you or treating you like a burden and a sacrifice.

I know some "parents" who would go buy a fukking DOG and give that dog the damn world let alone food shelter and water with nothing but love and compassion for this pet in their mind. But then will turn to their own fukking kids and treat them like a burden that they are making "sacrifices" for. And then will spend their whole miserable lives guilt tripping their children for being alive.

Having a child and a family is a God blessed PRIVILEGE not a sacrifice.

If your parents do this shyt stop praising them all the time and tell them to finally fukk off. You were not a "sacrifice."

And if you are a parent and you do this shyt to your kids, demanding constant acknowledgment and praise for your "work" and "sacrifices" PLEASE STOP THIS shyt. Please stop telling your kids they are a sacrifice. Stop fukking their heads up and fukking up their still budding self esteem because youre too insecure to just be a fukking parent and keep it moving. Stop it.

my gawd...:dwillhuh:... u have something to get off ur chest :mjcry:


Jul 25, 2018
my gawd...:dwillhuh:... u have something to get off ur chest :mjcry:

Oh yeah, I sure do. I'm all about mental health in the black community. It's something we have to confront because so many of us have been dealing with toxic generational pain, praise it like the shyt makes us "strong," and don't even realize the impact it has on us and our kids forever. Most black folks emulate their parents. Your parents emulated your grandparents. Your grand parents emulated your great grand parents, who emulated your great great grandparents, who finally emulated their slave master. Because it was all they knew. We know better now. Beating and demeaning and psychological torture and taking out your financial insecurities on others is not a way to raise kids and yet it's been a mainstay of our culture for generations. This shyt gotta be recognized and end for the sake of our future generation. Miserable, a$$hole "strong black mothers/fathers" that treat parenthood and raising kids like some tough burden they deserve everlasting praise for are the worst and we need to stop reinforcing this BS.

A child is NOT a sacrifice. I've observed this way too much for my whole life. I take the generational mistreatment of black children by our own culture and families VERY seriously.
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