I don't think I can possibly disagree with most of you more.
Tokyo Ghoul is trash
IBO is trash
FLCL is trash, one of the worst dubs ever, the music is solid though
Saji Crossroad is bytchmade but no more so than most male anime characters
Louise Halevy is one of the best written characters in televison history, especially in season 2
The Sergei Smirnov/Soma Peries/Andrei Smirnov story in season 2 is incredible
Lyle Dylandy > Neil Dylandy (second season had a better Lockon)
The Innovators were dumb but not bad enough to ruin a classic.
Fairy Tail is still the GOAT tv show
Someone said there was only two anime worth watching all season

, even the worst seasons have more decent/good anime than that.
Fuuka episode 11 - Koyuki fans
God Eater is good, at first I didn't care for the art but I started to like it after I got used to it, great music, similar story to Muv Luv Alternative. If you want to know why I go on about how great Cherami Leigh is, her work here is another perfect example, she carried yet another show. That Alisa scene in episode 12 is one of the best voiced scenes ever. Great dub. Good backstories. Iroha