Amor fati

Dec 2, 2016
Great Britain
Farnese from Beserk is literally, a psycho, narcissist, and a masochist. She loves pain and inflicting pain she was literally biting her servant then swallowing his blood, offered herself to her servant and rode nude on top of Guts's sword(the literal bladed iron)


Jan 7, 2015
I don't think I can possibly disagree with most of you more.

Tokyo Ghoul is trash
IBO is trash
FLCL is trash, one of the worst dubs ever, the music is solid though
Saji Crossroad is bytchmade but no more so than most male anime characters
Louise Halevy is one of the best written characters in televison history, especially in season 2
The Sergei Smirnov/Soma Peries/Andrei Smirnov story in season 2 is incredible
Lyle Dylandy > Neil Dylandy (second season had a better Lockon)
The Innovators were dumb but not bad enough to ruin a classic.
Fairy Tail is still the GOAT tv show
Someone said there was only two anime worth watching all season :mindblown:, even the worst seasons have more decent/good anime than that.

Fuuka episode 11 - Koyuki fans:umad:

God Eater is good, at first I didn't care for the art but I started to like it after I got used to it, great music, similar story to Muv Luv Alternative. If you want to know why I go on about how great Cherami Leigh is, her work here is another perfect example, she carried yet another show. That Alisa scene in episode 12 is one of the best voiced scenes ever. Great dub. Good backstories. Iroha :mjcry:

Lol god eater was a straight fail all 10 episodes. IBO is on another level then this god eater trash. They could have made it great anime with the source material they had .... Any way Shingeki no Bahamuet had a awesome opening episode, its going to be another hnngggggg seasonal


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
Fairy Tail is still the GOAT tv show
Fairy Tail is a homeless man's One Piece. It's cookie cutter generic shounen. Nothing stands out about the show. It's good enough to watch and maybe not drop but I ended up dropping it after Ezra's arc anyway.

Fullmetal Alchemist is the GOAT anime series. Not even close.
Sep 11, 2014
Fairy Tail breh.... really:francis:
Yes :what:The Coli loves every other shounen but the one with a female MC ya'll don't like, what a coincedence. I have never seen a better tv show than Fairy Tail. It is the only long running shounen that the main character doesn't start off overpowered, and instead she becomes more powerful over time until at the end she's finally one of the stronger characters. Ultear's story is straight genius long term story telling, and the same could be said for Lucy and Aquarius relationship. The filler episodes are mostly must watch because of how entertaining they are. Great characters, great story, great fights, great dub, and great music. The show has a few problems (mostly holding everyone else back to push Natsu) but it is everything I love about anime.

It's cookie cutter generic shounen. Nothing stands out about the show.
It is literally the exact opposite of this. As I explained to I Am Warhol. What other long running shounen has a female MC? Or a main character that doesn't start off overpowered? Or a main character that loses fights? Or Irish inspired soundtrack? What other shounen is also an ecchi? Or actually has entertaining "filler" episodes. How many long running shounen actually have long running incredibly thought out storyline's like Ultear's? How many shounen fights can match the emotion of Lucy vs Jackal, Gray vs Silver, or Gajeel vs Tarafuzar, and that's just from one arc. Not to mention no other shounen looks that good or has as many great characters.

now FMA: Brotherhood THAT was generic garbage. I should have watched the original instead. Scar was the only good character, I couldn't sympathize with the Elric brothers (Ed continues to open portals even after what happened to Al) the fights were emotionless, the homunculi are the most boring generic villains ever and the story was pretty terrible. I couldn't root for Roy & Riza after they blindly killed many Ishvalans in the war. If I don't like the characters I can't like the show, and they seemed to go out of their way to make me dislike most of the characters.