Christ. Give up on anime man. Some of your opinions I agree on like AOT being trash, but this? Nah.
Fairy Tail is bad because it doesn't excel at anything, it is the attempt of trying to be a big 3 anime without effort. One Piece art knock-off with uninspired characters or plot. Nyquil in anime form.
I never said AOT is trash. I haven't watched AOT, it does not look interesting to me. I would never insult a show I haven't even seen. Give up on anime because I don't like Brotherhood? Nice joke, I'm a bigger anime fan and have seen more anime than most in here. Big enough of a fan to see through the bullshyt hype and form my own opinions instead of following trends.
Fairy Tail excels at everything. Characters, story, fights, art, music, voice acting are all God Tier, what more could you want? Uninspired characters or plot but Brotherhood is unique?

How many episodes of Fairy Tail did you watch?
Fairy Tail isn't a One Piece rip off, if anything it's closer to Mashima's previous show, Rave Master. The art style is from Rave Master, not One Piece. Gray Fullbuster is a direct rip off of Hamrio Musica. Plue is a character on both shows, etc. But Fairy Tail is very unique from Rave Master, they only have a few things in common, and nothing like One Piece.
fukk outta here. Fairy Tale is the definition of generic but you want to call FMA:Brotherhood garbage? FMA had one of the best villains of all time (King Bradley) and the Hughes dying is still tough to watch.

this is why I can't take you guys opinions seriously. FT generic but Brotherhood isn't?

We feel the same way about each other.
None of you even attempted to refute any of my points though
Never would I have called someone's opinion before garbage, but this dude.
shyts on FMA: Brotherhood but big ups Fairy Tail?
If you don't like Fairy Tail your opinion on anime automatically means nothing to me. fukk I look like caring what you think about my opinions.

Fairy Tail is one of the most popular anime of the decade and doing great you hating on it doesn't effect me in any way.