
All Star
Apr 10, 2014

The Episode adapted the rest of chapter 8 and chapters 9-11. Although tbh

The first part of the episode, focusing on Momo & Okarun's friendship, was perfectly adapted. Again, the biggest strength in this adaptation is how it does a fantastic job putting yourself in their shoes. With the music and how the day went without them seeing each other set the tone of why is the other person avoiding me. Plus with them wanting to see each other.

Then after the little fight we got both of their side perfectly. Okarun for regretting trying to argue with Momo. Momo for her not intending to act like that with Okarun Aira's introduction went well. By empathizing Momo's POV and her saying those awful things after she went with her friend was a great job.

Of course, the star of the episode was the mascot of the series TG. I will admit the voice initially was not what I had in mind, but by the end of the episode I was vibing with it. They killed it with the comedy in this episode.

God loved this episode from start to finish. They really set the roots of Okarun & Momo's friendship well to start, since there is still the awkwardness at the beginning. You could feel how they couldn't find each other, and it feels like all day at school they miss each other until a kiss happens.



These two are so awkward their default reaction is to argue, which means they truly get along. Though Okarun just realizing his balls weren't there got him to try to make up with Momo, but of course, she was still being stubborn. Once she saw that girl trying to play with Okarun's feelings for her entertainment, enough was enough. Showing that I am Okarun's friend, and I am not letting some silly argument get in the way of just talking it out.



The rest of the episode was downright hilarious. Turbo Granny & Seiko had me dying. We got Seiko saying your thing ain't no shaft it's a pencil LMAO. Turbo Granny out insulting. Lastly Seiko beating the crap out of Turbo Granny.

In the simplest way to describe is that at the end of the fight, Turbo Granny held the last remaining piece of her onto Okarun and planned to stay hidden until her power came back. Seiko realizing this pushed only her consciousness out, not her power. Actually, despite not having his balls, at least now Okarun doesn't need to be with Momo to protect himself.




At this point, Turbo Granny is forced to help Okarun get his balls back because Seiko is the only one who can give her powers back to her. The main issue is that Turbo Granny was bluffing about knowing or having Okarun's balls. So looks like we are on a quest to find Okarun's balls next.





All Star
Apr 10, 2014

Standout episode 6 for Blue Box.

This episode adapted chapters 16-18, which were heavily Hina focused, and the direction was outstanding to really get how Hina was feeling. Her feelings for Taiki as both a friend and for romance. The expectations she is for her sport. The desire to have an avenue of support as she sees Taiki & Natsu having that.

They extended Hina running out of the gym to hear looking out at the sun and being out in the park by herself. Which empathizes that she longs for the support that Taiki & Natsu have for each other knowing that they live together, and they share the good luck charm.

Overall great episode focusing on Hina. She learns finally that Natsu & Taiki live together given Natsu's situation with her parents. Though this episode, you can tell she is not honest her feelings, especially after she sees the good luck charm that both Taiki & Natsu are wearing. They did an impressive job showcases Hina's loneliness with the music with her being by herself in the park.




Poor Hina has to live up to the expectations of her father even being just a freshman. To add this, her feelings are still all over the place. Thankfully, her injury is just minor. Good on Taiki to take the situation seriously and not letting Hina neglect his help for a silly reason. Though it was funny when Hina was venting to Taiki the judge was a reference to him. Though it is good to hear that she can understand why Taiki has taken a liking to Natsu.




Meanwhile, to conclude the episode, Natsu makes the connection that both Hina & Taiki would make a great pair. Natsu's mind is also distracted for a moment, but it is clear nothing is getting in the way of getting results for basketball. Given that she stayed while her parents went overseas implies she has to give nothing but her 100%.




All Star
Apr 10, 2014
Shishio really be that type of antagonist that is like when I fight you, I want you at your best. :ufdup:Literally told Kenshin he ain't worth his time at the moment. :hhh:

We got a quick fight between Soujiro & Kenshin, and it ended in a draw. He has an interesting fight style that is difficult to read. Mostly since one could say he lacks emotions. At least expressing it, which makes it difficult to read him. Saito couldn't get the jump on him while Kenshin was fighting Senkaku. I am looking forward to the rematch between Soujiro & Kenshin.


On the other spectrum, Shishio admits he underestimated Kenshin the Rurouni. However, he wants to fight Kenshin at his best and that is as a Battosai. It looks like the 10 swords is what Shishio will use to bring Battosai out of Kenshin for their fight.





Saito in a very cruel way was basically mentioning to Eiji. Killing him right here is giving him mercy. He will go through some gruesome torture to reveal information that will be useful for the long-term fight with Shishio. Kenshin's words were very inspiring not to revenge who killed them, but they want the living to continue with their lives as happy as they can be. Revenge is a path that can make someone miserable.



Saito having a wife was not what I was expecting, but at least Eiji will be in good hands. I mean you have to be a commanding woman to be his wife. It is clear that Saito at least agrees with Shishio that Rurounin Kenshin won't stand a chance against Shishio's underlings let alone Shishio. Kenshin is at a crossroads here and probably needs some time to do some soul-searching again. The key might be how soon Kaoru and the others catchup to him.




May 1, 2012
@twan83 now I get what you meant Bell is going through a new kind of suffering. The episode where Freya charms the whole town just dropped :damn:

You can't fault Bell for rejecting Syr. Simply put, it never felt that he had romantic feelings for Syr. Syr was a great avenue of support for him since the beginning of the series, but her feelings never got to Bell until the last 2 episodes. The slow burn romance that Freya wanted as Syr was not the approach to use for Bell. It is nice to note that Syr was basically 97% of the time, Freya not Horn. Makes me wonder how much of Freya that we saw up until now was Horn.



Freya went full yan in yandere to get Bell now. I know the Freya family was strong, but the Hestia Family didn't even stand a chance. I do love Hestia's words that Freya being the goddess of Love having a failed love is quite ironic. Hermes knows Freya is to not be fukked with. Though given Bell has only joined the Hestia family half a year ago, he would need to wait another half a year to join the Freya family. It is clear that Hermes is an ally for Freya because he knows Bell can't be the hero if he is with the Freya Family.





But Freya's power play was insane. She said I will wait, but I will make sure you can't do anything about it. Essentially falling to grace like Ishtar did in S2, she basically charms the city to think Bell is with the Freya Family is insane. Even Hermes not think she would sink that low. I assume he believed she had her honor to hold, but she doesn't care about that. So, right now, the only people we can assume to be unaffected are Hestia and Asufi who we assumed left town before she got affected. The key for Hestia seems to be first get Hermes to snap out of it with that note, perhaps.





God Bell's suffering is just depressing. He has no one he can go to. The Freya Family is feared for good reason, so everyone will want no part of him. Hestia isn't in a position to help Bell directly even though it hurts her to see him like that. That is just cruel. This is the worst angle Freya could take to win over Bell unless she can figure out how to charm Bell. That hasn't worked earlier this season or when Ishtar did it. I hope we get the POV of Hestia next episode because continuing on with Bell's side is just going to be depressing AF to watch.



Oh we just getting started breh if I’m reading comments correctly next few episodes for bell bout to make the lower levels seem tame


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
Grieving soul retire is pretty funny. They think the clan leader is all powerful playing 4D chess and he has no idea what he's doing. At least once an epsidoe they find a way to get his girl an ass shot or highlight her thick thighs.


May 10, 2012

The Episode adapted the rest of chapter 8 and chapters 9-11. Although tbh

The first part of the episode, focusing on Momo & Okarun's friendship, was perfectly adapted. Again, the biggest strength in this adaptation is how it does a fantastic job putting yourself in their shoes. With the music and how the day went without them seeing each other set the tone of why is the other person avoiding me. Plus with them wanting to see each other.

Then after the little fight we got both of their side perfectly. Okarun for regretting trying to argue with Momo. Momo for her not intending to act like that with Okarun Aira's introduction went well. By empathizing Momo's POV and her saying those awful things after she went with her friend was a great job.

Of course, the star of the episode was the mascot of the series TG. I will admit the voice initially was not what I had in mind, but by the end of the episode I was vibing with it. They killed it with the comedy in this episode.

God loved this episode from start to finish. They really set the roots of Okarun & Momo's friendship well to start, since there is still the awkwardness at the beginning. You could feel how they couldn't find each other, and it feels like all day at school they miss each other until a kiss happens.



These two are so awkward their default reaction is to argue, which means they truly get along. Though Okarun just realizing his balls weren't there got him to try to make up with Momo, but of course, she was still being stubborn. Once she saw that girl trying to play with Okarun's feelings for her entertainment, enough was enough. Showing that I am Okarun's friend, and I am not letting some silly argument get in the way of just talking it out.



The rest of the episode was downright hilarious. Turbo Granny & Seiko had me dying. We got Seiko saying your thing ain't no shaft it's a pencil LMAO. Turbo Granny out insulting. Lastly Seiko beating the crap out of Turbo Granny.

In the simplest way to describe is that at the end of the fight, Turbo Granny held the last remaining piece of her onto Okarun and planned to stay hidden until her power came back. Seiko realizing this pushed only her consciousness out, not her power. Actually, despite not having his balls, at least now Okarun doesn't need to be with Momo to protect himself.




At this point, Turbo Granny is forced to help Okarun get his balls back because Seiko is the only one who can give her powers back to her. The main issue is that Turbo Granny was bluffing about knowing or having Okarun's balls. So looks like we are on a quest to find Okarun's balls next.




Did not expect some of the developments, but makes the closing credits make sense now. Gave me Kon from Bleach vibes a little bit.

The way they animate Otakurun's glasses and posture is great.


All Star
Apr 10, 2014
Well, I think we knew what Aria heard from her mom was a misunderstanding, but I did not think we got this quality of an episode. It was fantastic. Never thought 2.5 Dimension Seduction being an ecchi cosplay series would have this great of an episode.

The conversation Aria had with her mom was more than enough to tell you her father wasn't dad. At least there is no way the person she was referring to was her ex-husband. Her talk that life is a long series of events. Everybody has things that they are proud of and not so proud of. But you can't deny your feelings at the time. Even more so, those feelings at the time shape the person you are now. Aria's mom doesn't put the blame solely on Aria's father. She is fully aware she holds some of the blame. It was in their best interest to go their separate ways. These are truly of the words that an adult would say. Take accountability for your actions and don't shift all the blame to make yourself feel better. Plus, she knows she would never have Aria as a child if she never married her father.




Okumura's research was something as I was watching I was like damn. Though the ears thing was actually something cool as each artist has a unique way of drawing them. It makes sense because ears don't have a certain style to them. Though to track down the fact that Aria's father wrote the spinoff Lillel manga was jaw dropping. The 4 girls are cosplaying as is the manga that Aria's father is responsible for. Though to add a more emotional punch, the character that Aria is cosplaying as is a character introduced into the spin-off. Which gives him the motivation to come see the cosplay though if he gets reunited to his daughter it would be a great emotional punch to the heart.



Also, we dived more into the struggles of what a mangaka could go through. It was great to draw the comparison of writing a manga that nobody is reading is similar to a comedian who has more of their act to continue, but hasn't made a single person laugh. Having just one fan can make all the difference. In a sea of failure, there was one fan and honestly, it makes you wonder if Aria's dad would have written that spinoff if he didn't have that one fan out there.


Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
Elusive Samurai was outstanding :wow: @tripleaamin has season 2 been confirmed yet? :feedme:

The Raven does not choose his master show was cool but it didn't grab me like that, I still have like 5 episodes to go and I'm kinda ok not finishing the series.

I still haven’t rolled Bosses instructions & watched this:sadcam: