Yeah, that's why I don't bother with most RomComs. The only way I keep interest in them is if the characters and/or comedy are top notch, which is the case of both Nagatoro and Dress Up. I liked both MCs of Dress Up Darling so much I even hopped on to the manga and to my point, I had to stop reading for a while because the series took a turn to a more "angsty teenager who can't communicate" troupe and only cameback to it once they finally resolved that and it went back to what was cool/funny to read.
The Evil Lieutenant/Magical Girl show is fukking hilarious. Pseudo Harem (smart and very misleading title btw, lol) is wholesome as hell and actually pretty damn funny. Alya is just...awesome animation

Yuki barely shows up in the Alya anime. She's prominent like the first 3-4 eps. and then she's barely in it. If the point of the series is watching Alya grow then gawd damn, what an awful way to make anyone want to keep watching because her character is ASS and they give you nothing to want to see her grow/change.