on at like 6am in the mornin
i had no idea you were 50+Honestly….. I was too old for Pokeman so I missed that wave. The main thing got me on to anime was DBZ
Some dudes used to watch it on my college dorm floor across the hall from me. They was tape trading and was always raving about it. So one day I was like “l let me see what y’all tripping off” so the put me on the movies first.
Then around that time CN was running eps on the first season so I started watching there and got hooked.
You right though…. Besides DBZ it was also marathons of Inuyasha…. Which I thought was decent but not bad…. Felt repetitive but kept me interested enough.
I dabbled here and there with a few shows (Samurai Deeper Kyo was decent at that time).
But again Naruto/Bleach/Death Note were the game changers that hooked me then Gantz, HxH, D.Greyman and Full Metal Alchemist solidified “yea I’m about to be with this Anime life” and the rest is history

i can't do nothing but

but griffith still a hoe who folded because daddy wasn't carrying him and his army anymore