Railgun: The cat and mouse game/fight between Frenda+Saten and Rakko was GREAT.

. It was also cool to see Saten and Frenda become some unlikely friends.
But this ep is a perfect example of why I don't constantly talk about this series, even though it's one of my faves.
I'm not gonna use spoiler tags, cause really... why bother?
End of this ep shows two things.
1. Saten waiting for Frenda to show up so they can eat and hang out, but Frenda's contact with her becomes sparse. Saten's other best friend Uiharu shows up instead and her arm is in a sling. Frenda never shows (she and Uiharu don't know each other), they never mention why Uiharu's arm is injured.
2. One of the big bads is revealed (Kakine) and *gasp* he's a level 5 Esper, putting him on the same level as the heaviest of heavy hitters (like Railgun, Accelerator, etc)
What ISN'T explained is that this season/arc takes place during A Certain Magical Index's "Battle Royale" arc.... which was aired in 2018 iirc
During said arc/story, Kakine injured Uiharus arm trying to get info out of her, and Frenda sold out her team (out of fear) and was promptly tracked own and lasered in half by her team's leader, the level 5 Esper Mugino.
So she can't show up to Saten's lil hang out. She's dead. But I highly doubt they explain that.
How is someone who only watches Railgun supposed to know this shyt?