Finished watching FMA 03 and FMAB last week and was fiending for some more anime.

Had about 3 days left on my Netflix trial and FINALLY decided to watch Death Note. For the first 10 or so episodes the show was on some

shyt. I was hype as hell when L punked this guy Light on national TV in episode 2.

Then they introduced Misa...
What a truly godawfully written female character.

My God.

Ever since she was introduced the show never had that same epic feel that it had in the first 10 or so episodes.

Then after L was killed it had some cool moments but I was just watching to see how it ended at that point.

All these stretched out elaborate plans and "I knew you would do that!" moments were just.

Pre-Misa was a 9/10 and everything after ranged from a 6-8/10.