I don't think the abortion rate is a financial,racial,or cultural issue.
More like a quick fix.
As black people we are poor problem solvers which is why we rather ignore a problem instead of brainstorming different solutions on fixing the problems. This explains why as a people we continue to perpetuate cycles of self destructive pathologies.
No problem solving skills.
For the past 30 years black people have been programmed to kill their unborn children instead of thinking of improving parenting strategies like any logical thinking racial group would do.
Instead we have lazy idiots who want a quick fix like abortion.
You can't expect a productive outcome if you're using quick fixes to get by which is why we continue to see this cycle repeat itself generation after generation.
When will mentally lazy black folks get over the quick fix technique and start looking at problem solving?
@Wild self
At this point black people need as many babies born as possible since in most states we are having more abortions than live births.
do you understand what that means?
if we follow your logic then the future of our population would be so low that the government or the KKK would be able to round us up then kill us all off.
A reduced black population or a permanent minority status is not beneficial to us. narrow minded black people like you cannot see the bigger picture and will have us either exterminated or back on the plantation. Numbers provides the strength to be able to defend yourself from external threats.
Keep in mind that black people have many enemies who would like to see us removed from society.